Stormfront Radio: 01-26-15

Daily Stormer
January 26, 2015

Radical Traditionalists

Don Black talks about some of the problems he has encountered through being a known White Nationalist, as well as some of the benefits, such as people no longer being able to threaten to expose him.

Roy co-hosts and talks about some of the subjects the book ‘Civilization – The West  and the Rest’ has inspired him to think about, such as tradition not being an ideology in itself, as there are both good and bad traditions.


Paul Fromm stands in for Don Advo and highlights the story of Brad Love, ZOG political prisoner.

Canada has an extremely oppressive policy towards free speech, but most people are unaware of just how restrictive the hate laws there are.

Section 13 of the human rights act was repealed when people found out it was being used to silence opinions on the internet, but most people still do not understand that truth is the new hate.
