Daily Stormer
January 29, 2015
Don Black is sick of hearing about the holocaust and Auschwitz and thinks the rest of White America is getting sick of it too.
The revisionists that have been jailed for investigating the gas chamber myth are also mentioned as part of Don’s mid-week rant.
He then goes on to explain why NASA never went back to the moon – because feeding the starving Negro children in the ghetto was more important.
Don Advo reminds people of how the number of Iraqis slaughtered by Sadaam Hussein was continually increasing on the lead up to Bush’s re-election.
He then points out a history book that quoted an Irish politician who claimed that in 1641 the Catholics killed 150,000 Protestants, men women and children, yet British protestant historians say that an organised massacre never actually took place.
Finally we come to the Jews, who claimed in 1962 that 7 million Christians were killed by the Nazis, a higher number than the 5 million Jews that were being claimed as ‘victims’ at the time.
The moral of the story is, that trumped up atrocity tales have been used throughout history to advance political agendas.