Stormfront Radio: 03-02-15

Daily Stormer
March 3, 2015


We had some editorial crossed-wires and accidentally didn’t get Stormfront’s shows posted last week – sorry about that!

It is back again and will be here forever more!

You can find the shows you might have missed at the archives, here.

Now, onto today’s show! (We’ve also included an hour from one of the shows we’ve missed.)

The show begins with a brief review of the CPAC “pep rally” recently held in the nation’s capital. Both Don and Roy note the hypocrisy of the current regime, which criticizes an overly aggressive Netanyahu but has also contributed more tax dollars to the Zionist ethnostate than any other administration.

Discussion veers from the “irondome” to John “Cohen” Kerry, and the segment concludes with a provocative question: Just how believable is all this “semitic oriented” conflict?

Moving to lighter fare, a current E-Harmony ad prompts responses from Don, Roy and a few callers. How relevant are dating sites to OUR culture? Self-proclaimed “ladies man” Rip59 offers observations regarding the “murky swamp of dating,” POF (Plenty of Fish). All participants appear to concur that the SF message board in and of itself can be cause for meet-ups. Matchmaker(?) Don Black admits to as many as 20 SF “arranged” marriages.


Hour #2 brings us to Mr. Advo and several observations regarding social or perhaps anti-social media. Advo submits that chatroom ethnicity could be determined by social jargon, sentence syntax and grammer. In short, ebonics.

Really? Or are we talking “sock puppets” here? Mr. Black intervenes with a “seeing is believing” approach. Callers Father Francis and Dan from LA reinforce other more interactive methods of social discourse. “DuoDave” posts a dissenting opine and is welcomed to the forum. Dave seems to feel we are wasting time with frivolous conversation about a frivolous subject. Possibly. However, today’s show was a nice little retreat from the genocidal situation we all approach. Humor can be such an intoxicating relief!


Extra Hour from 02-24-15

Horus is this hour’s guest.

Don Black says, “Our biggest enemy now is demoralization, defeatism. I remember Dr. William Pierce saying in 1969, ‘You know, things look pretty bleak sometimes, but there is hope for the future.'”

Forty-six years later, the grounds for hope have grown greatly, Don says. “We have a new media, and this show is part of it. In 1969 almost everyone depended on three television networks to get their news every evening. Now those three television networks and all the other formerly mainstream media are seriously in decline, and a lot of folk get their news from the Internet.”

Horus and Don discuss the efforts of elites to control the Internet. Horus says, “They want to make the Internet like a cable outlet, where Bill O’Reilly gets a fast lane but Don Black doesn’t.” Horus and Don think such efforts will fail.

Horus says there’s a law on the books in England that bans pedophiles from social media, and anti-whites want to extend it to anyone they call an “anti-semite” or a “racist” for opposing White Genocide.

Regarding the power that can be wielded through the Internet, Horus mentions some feminists who are quitting their activism because of harsh attacks made on them on the Net, and also mentions a fine new video from the very large pro-white Facebook group, This is Europa, entitled The End Game – Full White Genocide Documentary.
