Stormfront Radio: 03-03-15

Daily Stormer
March 4, 2015


Show description:

The formerly-illegal-alien vote is now made legal

“The Democratic Party has lost the ability to win elections by relying on the American people. Now it is making up for that lack of appeal to the American voter by importing tens of millions of alien voters.”

That’s Don Advo’s agreement with the article published yesterday by “the great American nationalist, Phyllis Schlafly,” entitled “Democrats plan to win elections with illegal alien votes

In Don Advo’s words, Phyllis Schlafly says that “since the year 2000 all net new jobs have gone to illegal aliens.” Don Advo says, “President Obama proudly proclaimed that one day the United States would have a ‘President Rodriguez,’ as though that implies some kind of greater moral achievement, that we have a brown-skinned president instead of a white-skinned president.”

In addition to abetting White Genocide by dispossessing Whites, the Democrats’ “importing their own electorate from overseas” is “an attack on democracy itself,” says Don Advo. He adds that, if non-whites cannot be governed by Whites, is it okay that Whites be governed by non-Whites?

Caller Barbara makes an impassioned plea for White women to get mad and “pick up their pitchforks.”

Hour One


Hour Two
