Stormfront Radio: 03-05-15

Daily Stormer
March 6, 2015


Show description:

Among many other topics, Don Black and Roy discuss two genetic predispositions:

1. The genetic predisposition to conform in one’s behavior and ideas, which results in Whites “accepting the anti-white agenda.”

2. A predisposition to see the truth, to see racial reality. Of those Whites who live in areas of intense “racial reality,” e.g. southern California, some see the racial reality they live in, and some don’t.


“The Federal government wants to make every featherless biped living within our borders a new American citizen, eligible for all the benefits that permanent residents and citizens of this country get,” says Don Black.

“How far can you stretch this system before it snaps. Will it snap, or will this just be a slow grinding decline into oblivion?” Don asks.

The elephant in the room

Don recalls the care taken by most pro-white leaders and groups of his youth to avoid mentioning the strong Jewish involvement in international communism and other political and social changes:

“Everybody was afraid. Even though they know the truth. The documents were always there. The first Soviet government of course was overwhelmingly Jewish, and financed largely by New York. It was the elephant in the room that nobody wanted to talk about…fear of the Jews. You can’t say the obvious: there is a racial aspect to all of this, it’s not just some group of misguided idealists that support Marxism and the working-man’s paradise. Of course it never was that. It was all about power and murder, and destroying Western civilization, destroying traditional values, destroying eastern Europe, destroying Russia, with the intent to destroy the rest of our world as well. The impetus behind that was not just some misguided idealism, of course not, or a few people that just wanted to gain dictatorial power, it was a racial mission, a hatred of the traditional peoples of Europe and of course traditional Christianity.”

Don says that today Americans are beginning to think, and to ask, “What is it about Israel that makes it so critical to American interests and survival?”

Don asks, “What has Israel done for the United States aside from get us in trillion dollar wars against Israel’s enemies?”
