Stormfront Radio: 04-27-15

Daily Stormer
April 29, 2015


From the description:

Don Black and Roy compare the challenge of climbing Mt. Everest and the challenge of fighting White Genocide.

Mention is made of Libyans loading themselves onto ships that aren’t seaworthy, sailing out into the sea, and then the ships’ captains radio the Italian coast guard which rescues them and carries them into Europe.

A poster on Stormfront comments on the next topic,

“I agree with Roy’s comments about not justifying your White-pride position.

In my opinion, quiet confidence and obstinance is a sign of intelligence and is influential to others.”

Rich from Washington speaks of the great improvement in personal and group morale that results from connecting with other pro-Whites in your area and building a community, with which Roy heartily agrees. Roy adds that if our free speech on the internet is removed as it has been in Italy and Germany, such community will be of added importance.

Wayne calls and recommends the book “Hellstorm,” which deals with what was done to Germans in Germany after WWII, and asks readers to ask themselves if they think it couldn’t happen here.

Part 1


Part 2
