Daily Stormer
June 15, 2015
The main news today of course is the White woman pretending to be Black in order to get a job at the NAACP.
Jeb from Alabama calls in to say that Rachel Dolezal noticed there was a lack of good leadership among the Negroes, so she decided she could do it better, put on Black-Face and then succeeded in out-advocating the Black advocates.
No matter how much black-face she puts on she will always be a superior White.
She was even giving the Blacks lessons on how they should do their hair.
Most of the first leaders of the NAACP were not Blacks, so there is a history of this sort of thing going on.
They could not trust a Black to be president of the NAACP until the sixties.
At first they were all supportive of her, but now there is a lot of resentment of her, for taking advantage of their Black privilege.
Part 1
Part 2