Stormfront Radio: 08-04-15

Daily Stormer
April 9, 2015


From the description:

The privileged statuses of non-white groups in the U.S. is discussed, with Don and Roy agreeing that Black privilege trumps that of all other non-white groups. Mention is made of the case of an Indian (“Indian with the dot, not with the feather”) applicant for medical school in the U.S. who was rejected until he shaved his head and passed for Black, and joined a campus Black Privilege organization, after which he was accepted.


“Roy and I have declared the fall of ‘Black Power,'” says Don.

Roy says, “Black power was always White power. Because the power the Black had was to pull on the heartstrings of the liberal White. If he didn’t have that, he never had anything; he would still be in chains.”

“No one feels sorry for Blacks anymore. And a large proportion of the population is non-white, and the non-whites never felt sorry for Blacks, and never will. They’re ethnocentric and worry about their own group,” says Roy.

Caller Mike considers Blacks having to compete with Whites in a capitalist society to be inhumane treatment of Blacks.

Part 1


Part 2
