Stormfront Radio: 10-26-15

Daily Stormer
October 26, 2015

original (1)

Just the one hour program today, as all the hosts apart from Don and Roy are busy preparing for the Stormfront Smokey Mountain conference.

The main topic is how Blacks ruin the chances for other Blacks.

The reason why they get arrested more, is because they commit crime more, it is not because all police are racists.

When a Black victim gets arrested, it is the fault of other Blacks.

If they did not fit the description for most crimes, then they would not get arrested.

Chris calls in to talk about how cruel it is to expect Blacks to compete with Whites.

We do have a White privilege and we should be proud of that.

We are better looking, more intelligent and more resourceful than the other races, because of our superior DNA and the only way you can compensate for that, is to destroy it by turning it into Black DNA.
