Storming Sunday Round-Up: February 9, 2014

Israel Steinman
Daily Stormer
February 9, 2014

Keep the faith.
Check out this cis-gendered racist: wolves are known for a pattern of oppressing their females, sticking to hetero-centric behaviors, and not recognizing the equality between wolves and beagles.  And it isn’t just the cisgender males – few, if any, wolf females are willing to spread their legs for terriers or poodles!  And don’t get me started on how these wolves treat the rabbits!  In order to bring equality to the forest, wolves are going to have to learn to check their privilege.

Sunday, Sunday Sunday!

Israel Steinman here.  I’ll be filling in for the hate-filled racist Andrew Anglin today, as he is busy oppressing women and minorities.

The Olympics are Intended to be a Celebration of Teaching the Joys of Anal Sex with Men to Children

The most important thing we learned this week is that the purpose of the Olympics is teach children of the joys of new types of sexual activity involving the anus.

The devilish and immoral nation of Russia, enemy of justice and righteousness and freedom and democracy, has conceived a diabolical plot to deceive the entire world into thinking that the Olympics are about sports competition, in order to justify their own twisted, Slavic belief that children should not be educated on the joys of masturbating in another man’s feces.

The Olympics have always been about indoctrinating children into the homosexual lifestyle.
The Olympics have always been about indoctrinating children into the homosexual lifestyle.

This week, many righteous corporations and governments came forward to press the issue, admonishing the vile Slav King Putin for attempting to rewrite history, and imagine that the Olympics are a sports event rather than a anal sex education rally. Nations all across the world flew the homosexual flag, in honor of the brave, heroic men around the world who have the goodness in their hearts to stick their penises up other men’s buttholes, and the moral fortitude to teach small children how to do the same.

The devil monster King Putin has also had the nerve to come out and claim that his banning of allowing homosexuals to market their anal behavior to children is democratic, simply because 90% of Russians support his position.  It seems he does not understand the meaning of the word “democracy,” which, in the dictionary, means “rule by the Jews.”

We also saw a great shame upon Russia, as a government official came out and denounced America for electing a homo erectus president.  It seems that Russia also does not understand that the purpose of the Olympics is to demonstrate that all people are exactly the same in every way, which is why gold metals are given out to everyone, regardless of how well they compete in the events.

Racist, racist, racist. Those evil Russians and their vaginal sex with women are so very racist.

Freedom Comes to the Ukraine

Also in Slavland, we had a great joy this week as the truth came out about the revolution in Ukraine.  Instead of evil Neo-Nazis running a revolution to make the Ukraine a cis-gendered and theocratic state, as many had feared, the revolution is in fact being organized and funded by American Jews, assisted by a heroic Jewish Boxer, for the purpose of bringing freedom to the Ukraine by helping them join the EU, where they will have equal rights for women, Muslims and homosexuals, and free their economy from the clutches of the evil King Putin, so as they can be opened up to foreign investment, which will raise up their economy like it has done for Greece, Italy and Spain.

Get ready, Ukraina - this Jew Boxer is about to knock some freedom into you!
Get ready, Ukraina – this Jew Boxer is about to knock some freedom into you!

This will also enable millions of Ukrainians to enter into Western Europe, where they will proceed to assist the economic development of these nations beyond recognition.

The Great Ways We are Able to Help the Oppressed Muslims

We have learned this week that our efforts to help the oppressed Muslim people are really paying off.  After committing the Holocaust of 60 trillion Jews, and forcing the blacks into slavery, and also gassing the homosexuals and killing every single Indian by making them walk really fast for a long time, how great it is that we now are able to invite tens of millions of Muslims into Europe, to live on welfare.

We cannot measure the level of peace brought to Europe by the religion of peace.
We cannot measure the level of peace brought to Europe by the religion of peace.

Generous as they are, though we do not ask anything in return for the billions of dollars we spend on these Muslims, as we beg forgiveness for the Holocaust, the conquest of Spain, and hundreds of years of piracy and forcing women into sex slavery, the generous Muslims are willingly enriching our culture in the most colorful manner, without being asked, by giving free drugs and sex lessons to our female children!

And now, with new laws brought to us by the Jews, America will not only be able to enrich itself with the joys of Islam, the religion of peace and the sexual enrichment of White women, but also will be enriching itself with even more gay sex, as we bring in the colorful homosexuals from Africa to help us become more progressive and developed!

We must remember, however, that though most immigrants in Europe are only here to help our culture, by providing us with drugs, fighting lessons, free surgery and surprise sex, there is one man in France who has taken on the evil of the White man, and thus must be dealt with as the White man is.

Talented Jewish Genius Persecuted for Small Troubles

The genius Jew Woody Allen is being wrongfully persecuted by hate-filled Antisemites for one small mistake, when he raped his 7-year-old adopted daughter.

Judging a Jew for raping a small child is not only Antisemitic, it also shows complete cultural insensitivity, embodying European ethnocentrism, believing that your values are better than those of the Jewish Talmud, which clearly states that it is acceptable for a Jew to have sex with a small child.

Given that Europeans are responsible for genociding 100 million Indians, I don’t see as though we are in a position to judge a child rapist.  And how can you judge the colorful culture of the Jews, and their interesting customs such as baby-rape, when you yourselves have no culture to speak of?

You think this is culture???
You think this is culture???  Ha!
    This is art??? Oh, too funny! Please, tell me another one, cis-gender patriarch authoritarian personality!
This is art??? Oh, too funny! Please, tell me another one, cis-gender patriarch authoritarian personality!
Culture? Ha!  I am ROFL now, racist!
Culture? I am ROFL now, racist!  No, that is not culture…
This is true culture.
…this is true culture!  How can you not understand this, you inbred redneck???
And this is true high art! Can you not see the way that these colored squares represent the feminine forces, racist? Who could deny it???  And of course, you had no such high art, and had to have the Jews bring it to you, while you were busy shooting guns and reading the Bible!
And this is true high art! Can you not see the way that these colored squares represent the feminine forces, racist? Who could deny it??? And of course, you had no such high art, and had to have the Jews bring it to you, while you were busy shooting guns and reading the Bible!

Judging a Jew for something like raping a little girl might seem reasonable, but this is the beginning of the slippery-slope, and it is only a matter of time before all Jews are murdered in steam chambers or chamber with electric floors.

Evil Whites Must be Imprisoned for Asking for Proof of Jew Suffering

Europe, an entire continent of hate-filled racists and Antisemites (excluding the peaceful Muslims, who follow the religion of peace, Islam), has continually refused to pass legislation fully criminalizing the questioning of the Jewish religious celebration called the Holocaust.

Jew+tattoo+camp+cleaning supplies=6,000,000 in gas chambers+lampshades+soap, racist!  Are you truly so inbred that you cannot grasp this basic math???
Jew+tattoo+camp+cleaning supplies=6,000,000 in gas chambers+lampshades+soap, racist! Are you truly so inbred that you cannot grasp this basic math???

These hateful bigots and cis-gendered theocrats actually have the nerve to ask for physical evidence that 600 quadrillion Christ-killing Jewish bankers were drowned in buckets by Adolf Hitler.  Imagine the nerve of these people, unwilling to accept the word of the Jews that this happened, when it has been proven, all throughout history, that a Jew cannot tell a lie, and thus the word of a Jew is worth more than any form of physical evidence.  Even if these Antisemites were able to present physical evidence that the Holocaust did not happen – say by testing the walls of the homicidal gas chambers for traces of Zyklon B gas – it wouldn’t matter, as the truthfulness of the Chosen People is capable of negating physical reality.

Riddle me this, you privileged racist: if the Jews were the type to lie, why would Yahweh have chosen them to rule the world in the first place?

Evil White Racists of the Daily Stormer Denied by Just Jews of

The evil White racist Andrew Anglin thought he could keep from starving to death by linking to in a tactful way, but the righteous Jews of that site have denied him.


He is now going to be forced to continue to ask for donations from his readers!


Andrew Anglin
6827 N. High Street, Suite 121
Worthington, Ohio

Fighting the Patriarchy

Just so you remember what we are fighting against, here are a few awful, cis-gendered, privileged patriarchal songs, of the type authoritarian persons who associate with their own families rather than homosexuals and Negros tend to listen to:

These types of men, who not only do not have gay sex, but do not even dress up in women’s clothes and take hormone injections, are the biggest threat to equality the world has ever seen.

And remember: there is nothing more oppressive than a blonde haired White:

Blonde-haired people are a living reminder of the endless racism of Whites: Every blonde-haired person has a racist mother who refused to have sex with a Negro!
Blonde-haired people are a living reminder of the endless racism of Whites: Every blonde-haired person has a racist mother who refused to have sex with a Negro!
Can you imagine anything more hateful than heterosexual men forcing little girls to wear dresses, and then serving as an authority figure by taking care of them???
Can you imagine anything more hateful than heterosexual men forcing little girls to wear dresses, and then serving as an authority figure by taking care of them???  There is no way these girls are going to grow up to produce children with Negros, being raised with this type of cis-privilege oppression – and I’d wager not one of them is going to fulfill their true potential, and become a butch lesbian bank branch manager.

Hail Diversity!
Israel Steinman