Storming Sunday Round-Up: On Sunday This Time

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 12, 2014

The Final Showdown is quickly approaching.
The Final Showdown is quickly approaching.

Well, it’s on time this week, but it will be short and sweet.

I’m going to make today’s post extra Nazi, in honor the Right Whinge (AKA the Altistic Right).

Step up off it.  We do not budge, and we do not bend.
Step up off it. We do not budge, and we do not bend.

Sven is Out

For the last several days, Sven has been out of power, and thus I’ve had more workload upped quite a bit, which has meant that I haven’t had time to write some various essays I wanted to write, which mainly surround the situation with the soft right vs. hard right scenario and all of these people attacking me.  I have more thoughts on all of that, and also want to respond to some of Nazi Hunter Greg Johnson’s further attacks on me that he wrote in the comments section of the hit piece he did.

My reasoning for that, as I have explained, is that these arguments need to be dealt with so that they don’t come up again and we can move forward.  Johnson has yet to respond to my response to his attack – maybe he will and maybe he won’t, but I’m not holding my breath.  How on earth he can defend the idea that we shouldn’t expose the hoax, when I have laid out the necessity of it in such clear and blatant terms, is unclear.

Sorry, Greg.  We're not going to stop because you wrote some long gibbering thing calling us "retards."
Sorry, Greg. We’re not going to stop because you wrote some long gibbering thing calling us “retards.”
What sort of an intellectual resorts to calling people "retards" in the first place, Greg?  Don't you feel silly?
What sort of an intellectual resorts to calling people “retards” in the first place, Greg? Don’t you feel silly?

Sven generally handles the Race War section of the site, and also writes several articles a day, so not having him around has been quite the weight on me.  It shouldn’t really be this way.  We need more writers.  I often ask for submissions, but what people generally submit are long essays that I then have to edit, something I don’t really have that much time for – what we really need are more people capable of writing the short news pieces, which are the bread and butter of the site.  Clement used to be good at that, but he dipped out in a drama queen tantrum after accusing me of promoting Christian Identity, which I have never done and don’t even believe in anyway.  I guess the fact that I don’t condemn it, and believe people have a right to believe in this if they are so compelled, classifies me as an agent of CI to all those so strongly against it.  Johnson, in his comments section, also accused me of being CI.

I don't care what pack you hail.  Just man-up and stop crying about it like a little girl.
I don’t care what pack you hail. Just man-up and stop crying about it like a little girl.
The pagan stuff is fine.  No one is bothered by it.  Just don't bother others.
The pagan stuff is fine. No one is bothered by it. Just don’t bother others.  We don’t have time for whining faggotry.

The fact is, we are the only game in town, and we need to be accepting of various beliefs, as long as they are in line with core principles.  Anyway, that is neither here nor there, but speaks to the difficulty of getting people on board, as they all have their little personal issues that apparently mean more to them than stopping the genocide of the White race.

Anyway, if you have a blog, and feel your news-type commentary/articles would fit in here, send me a link to it.  You know the type I mean – the ones that Sven, Marsus, Lee and I all write on various current events.  The insight stuff is also vital, but something that comes second to the daily news, which is why with Sven gone I haven’t written any longer essays, and don’t really even have time to write this thing I am writing right now.

Ebola Madness

I tried to warn you.
I tried to warn you.

Well, one of the health workers who treated the invasive ape who brought a deadly African virus to our country has tested positive for it.  Surprise, surprise.

It’s happening.

Ironically, American Blacks will be the first to be infested with this virus we are getting called racists for trying to stop.
Ironically, American Blacks will be the first to be infested with this virus we are getting called racists for trying to stop.

I am so angry about this, I can’t even hardly take it.  The idea that we are going to let a deadly plague overtake the Western world because it would be an act of racism to stop it is so far beyond insane, I feel like I am going to have a seizure if I try to hard to process it.

Though I suppose it isn’t that much different than allowing thousands of little girls to get gang-raped by Paki animals in order to avoid racism.

It is time to stand up and do something.
It is time to stand up and do something.
Before it's too late!
Before it’s too late!

On some level, this is good, as it will again demonstrate just how insane liberalism has gotten – demonstrate it on such a scale that no one will be able to deny it.  But that will only matter if we don’t all die from this plague, which could at any time go airborne and wipe out literally tens of millions of people.  Or more.

This is so, so serious.

And it really is these same issues we keep talking about that are causing it to happen.  It is fear of racism and White guilt.  And of course, the Jews.  The fact that this Jew CDC head actually wrote an op-ed claiming that quarantining west Africa is a bad idea is also completely impossible to process.  It feels like it has to be a joke.

But apparently, it isn’t.  And this is all actually happening.

God help us.

Ah, what could have been...
Ah, what could have been…
It could have been grand.
It could have been grand.
We could have stayed innocent, forever.
We could have stayed innocent, forever.


I will just mention here that monetary contributions help.  There are no ads, and all of our content is free, so for the time being, the only way to keep things running is through contributions from the reader.

The Daily Stormer is on the front lines.  I don't mind this position.  But I do need backup.
The Daily Stormer is on the front lines. I don’t mind this position. But I do need backup.
The site must continue to transform.
The site must continue to transform.
And be a light unto the people.
And be a light unto the people.

Here is a page about that, which has all of the details for PayPal, credit card and through the mail contributions.

Apocalypse Preparation

I don’t want to be an Alex Jones fear-monger, but Ebola could lead to the apocalypse.

I am not educated enough to know if it is possible/likely that the virus will go airborne, but it seems that people much more educated than me think it will.  If it does, it is now already in the country and people are getting infected with it – presumably the health worker is not the only one, and some of Duncan’s family will also test positive, then they won’t be quarantined (most of them haven’t been yet) and others they came into contact with will be infected.  And so on.

You thought it was a game...
You thought it was a game…
...until you realized it's happening.
…until you realized it’s happening.
[Insert Led Zeppelin riff]
[Insert Led Zeppelin riff of your choosing]
This will happen slowly, for the time being, and might be contained because we do have basic sanitation measures in the US that they don’t have in Africa, where they literally just leave the corpses on the street.  However, if it does go airborne, we are definitely going to have an apocalypse.  The FEMA camps won’t be able to hold all of the infected, because Alex Jones the retard stopped them from building enough of them by constantly complaining about it and saying they were a conspiracy.

So, if I were you, I would start making preparations.  At least an exit strategy.  If you have a relative in a rural area, that works.  If you don’t, figure something else out.  A trailer or a tent and a plan on a specific place to take it.  And a gun.  Because if it turns up airborne in cities, you will want to be out in six hours, max.

I’m speaking here to an American audience, and perhaps an Eastern European one.  I have no idea what people in Western Europe should do.

I’m actually serious here.  This could be hell coming down.  Probably, it isn’t.  Most likely it isn’t.  But the possibility is very, very real.

And you would be foolish not to have at least some form of a plan for what you are going to do if this thing blows up.

If Germany would have won, there is no way we would be dealing with this crap.
If Germany would have won, there is no way we would be dealing with this crap.

One Last Ebola Issue

The liberal dyke Arielle Duhaime-Ross, who claimed that we would “all lose out” if we blocked flights from West Africa, has thus far not responded to my request that she present us with a bullet point list of how not allowing this disease into our country would cause us to “lose out,” and what specifically it would be that we would be losing out on, besides a deadly virus.

If you would like, you can contact her, and push the issue.  Don’t be rude or cruel, just simply state that you saw my response to her claims, and believe that if she is going to use her position of influence as a journalist to argue for allowing a deadly plague into the United States, then say it is good for the country, she needs to explain what the hell she is talking about.

She has a responsibility here.

That’s It for Today

I told you it was going to be short.  I’ve gotta go finish the daily news.

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Hail Victory.
Andrew Angin