Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 10, 2015

Well, the saga continues to continue. Got a few issues here on a lovely Sunday afternoon.
Site Migration
Hopefully things are basically stable here on the site. As it turned out, the value of Bitcoin shifted (I had exactly enough) and I was a few hours late paying the server, so we have to wait until next weekend to get it moved.
Thanks to ReasonablePeople for sending the bit we needed.
And the biggest ever thanks to our man in Texas, who sent the biggest donation ever.
God Bless you, sir.
And God Bless Texas itself. The place where Moslems go to get shot.

Overall, people were very generous when the site was down, and I want to thank each and every one of you who contributed. Without you, this operation would not be possible (at least not on this scale).
And thanks also to those who can’t contribute, but continue to read and share links to the site, to help in other ways.
We got the money together for an expensive new server which, hopefully, will be the greatest thing ever.
If the site is running well, this should also mean there will be a significant quality improvement on the site, as I won’t have to be spending twenty percent of the work day trying to figure out what is wrong with it (that’s only a little bit of an exaggeration).
Anyway, expect that there could be problems over the next week. There seems to be a bit of a problem now, and I just don’t even know what it is.
Daily Stormer Chat Room!
Sven has put together a chat room, for all of your chatting needs.
Here is the link (also on the sidebar).

Currently, it is only available on PCs, but we are working to make it available on other devices.
Fun fact: less than 50% of Daily Stormer traffic comes from PCs. The rest is from phones and tablets. Probably because we are banned at everyone’s school and work. Also, I think people are just using PCs less.
Other fun fact: All phones autocorrect the word “nigger” into “nugget.” Which is kind of hilarious, and should probably become a meme.
More Anti-Feminism to Come
I’ve been taking breaks in between attacks on feminism, but I promise big things as soon as the site is locked down proper.

I won’t give a time-frame, because I don’t do that anymore. Too many things can come up and mess up such plans.
I’m very happy with the direction this has gone so far, and I was honored to be invited on to Stormfront to talk about these issues. Especially an honor that I was on in the first hour before Dr. David Duke in the second.
Speaking of being invited onto things, did you guys know that Andrew Anglin has never been on Red Ice?

Also planning to do a follow-up on Ben Garland’s piece about children, which I think was misunderstood by a lot of people. Briefly, the article was most definitely not intended to tell people not to have children, as that is not my view or his or anyone’s that I’m aware of. The issue being addressed is specifically the chant in some WN circles that if you don’t have children you’re not “doing your duty,” and the idea that pressing men on having children is an effective strategy for building a popular movement. Also addressed was the idea that we are somehow going to outbreed the hordes, which is obviously silly and people making that argument need to learn math.
Anyway, I’ll flesh that whole thing out a bit further in the near to very distant future.
Also ready at any time for Matt Parrott’s response.
Paleo Diet Challenge
After realizing that many don’t realize the value of the paleo diet, I’ve decided to launch a paleo diet challenge.
I will be putting up all the details tomorrow or the next day (I know I’m breaking my rule about dates, but I’m ready for this one), but basically, on the fifteenth of May, people will be challenged to begin a month-long run on the paleo diet, and report back on how they feel after thirty days eating as nature intended.

Comments disagreements were getting a bit abstract and obscure, and I have realized that the best thing is for people to simply try it out themselves for thirty days and see what happens.
I can guarantee you will feel better, look better and train better after 30 days. There is simply no doubt about it. So, those who are willing to undergo this challenge (much of our readership is already on the diet, mind you, because great minds think alike) can say that they are willing, and then we will do weekly posts about it until the 15th of June, at which time we will publish the testimonies of everyone who took part and wishes to offer their testimony.

It is very, very important that you lads get in shape. It is such a huge part of being a man. And for me, the paleo diet is the key to my health. I still go to the gym, and when I can try to train martial arts, but I know I am going to look and feel good even if I am too busy to do these things as long as I keep my diet tight.
Diet is more important than exercise. Both are important, but I would say diet is at least 60% of good health. Possibly more.

Note to ethical vegetarians: if you want to not eat meat because of a moral conviction about animals, I respect that and don’t wish to get in between you and your conscience. However, you must accept that your health and energy levels are going to suffer for this moral decision.
Most of the focus on male issue we are embracing here at the Daily Stormer is about male self-improvement. It is just necessary to work through the feminist stuff in order to understand why exactly we are in such dire need of self-improvement.
The biggest issue of male self-improvement is regaining masculinity, and the easiest realm in which to regain masculinity is the physical realm. And diet is the easiest aspect of the physical realm. So that is where we are starting on this mission.
Anyway, full post about it soon, just wanted to give a heads-up.
Okay, That’s All I’ve Got
That’s it for today.

And remember:
Call Your Mother!
Hail Victory.