Street-Shitting Slut Nimrata Randhawa Says She’ll Do War in Syria with or Without UN Approval

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 18, 2017

ZOG is declaring that they are going to continue the war in Syria even though the enemy is already defeated. At first, they claimed that the UN would support them. Now they’re saying they don’t care if the UN supports them.

Nimrata Randhawa  – who sucks bloggers’ dicks for good coverage – is leading the charge against the will of the people of America and Syria (and the rest of the world, outside of Israel).

Basically, the goal of the Jew was to use the fog of ISIS to get the US military to bring down Assad. But then Russia stepped in and started bombing terrorists. So ISIS was defeated. So now the Jews just want to leave our boys there to continue to fight the war ISIS was fighting.

They are using the GAS BABY MEME hoax to try and get this done.

This is the type of talk that implies an intent to start a war with Russia.


The US does not consider itself constrained by the United Nations Security Council and might seek “justice” in Syria on its own terms, the US representative to the UN, Nikki Haley, has said. The US took similar action in Libya in 2011.

“With the unity of this council, or alone, unrestrained by Russia’s obstructionism, we will continue to fight for justice and accountability in Syria,” Haley said, blasting Russia’s vetoing of the draft resolution on the extension of the Syrian chemical weapons probe on Friday.

The draft, proposed by Japan, envisioned the “technical extension” of the probe for another 30 days. Explaining Russia’s decision to block the resolution, Russian UN envoy Vasily Nebenzya said that there is no sense in prolonging the mission if some glaring flaws in its work are not amended.

“There can be no other way after the JIM’s [the UN-OPCW Joint Investigative Mechanism] leadership disgraced itself with its fictitious investigation into the sarin use incident in Khan Shaykhun and signed off on baseless accusations against Syria,” he said.

Haley went on to accuse Russia of showing no flexibility in negotiating the conditions of the probe, claiming that Moscow had only “dictated and demanded” while the US had “incorporated elements of the Russian draft” into its own in the hopes of reaching a consensus.

Russia vetoed the US draft on Thursday, with Nebenzya calling it “unbalanced” and solely designed to discredit Russia and its role in the Syrian settlement. Haley subsequently accused the Russian mission of ignoring the US delegation’s attempts to contact it before the vote.

Haley’s remarks on the impossibility of reaching the Russian mission provoked an angry reaction from Moscow, with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov calling it “fake diplomacy.” Lavrov said that “it seems we are witnessing a new phenomenon in international relations, as now, apart from fake news, there is also fake diplomacy.”

The rival draft was co-sponsored by Russia and China, and “aimed at the extension and qualitative improvement” of the fact-finding mission, according to Nebenzya. However, it also failed, gaining the support of only four Security Council members.

While both Russia and the US used their veto powers on the respective resolutions, Haley accused Moscow of obstructing the work of the UNSC and its efforts to find “the truth.”

The American people are well fed-up with fighting for “human rights and democracy” in third world countries.

“Endless War” is the single most unpopular policy of both the Bush and Obama administrations.

I know that Trump is holding his cards close to his chest, taking things one step at a time, but this is something he can stop without much effort. The American people have more than once stood up to the idea of an expanded war in Syria. Back during the first gassing hoax, Obama and AIPAC failed miserably to push for a full-scale invasion.

Of course, if Trump refuses, the WaPo and NYT along with Paul Ryan and John McCain are going to screech bloody murder, but no one sympathizes with their agenda anymore.

The Jews that push these wars don’t even bother claiming that they are in our interests now. That stopped when it was discovered that the Iraq WMD was a Jewish hoax. They won’t admit that it is for the “security” of Israel and that it is only pushed by Jew lobbyists and Jew media, but now they say it’s our human rights democracy duty, as the world police.

No one likes that:

  1. Republican voters only want war when it is for the benefit of our country, and
  2. Democrat voters support “human rights democracy,” but are opposed to war on principle

No group, other than Jews, supports these wars, and the call for these wars by top members of both parties and the entire Jewish media has not changed anyone’s mind. The American people do tend to be easy to manipulate, but this isn’t flying.

The only reason people supported having troops in Syria this long was due to the claim that they were ostensibly fighting ISIS, and ISIS is killing our guys in the US and Europe (obviously we could have just solved that issue by ejecting all Moslems, but the people do not yet accept that this is an option). No one who was okay with US troops there was okay with it because they believe it is our job to be the global enforcers of human rights democracy. As much as the media has pushed that, I don’t think you could find 1% of the non-Jewish public that supports it.

Right now, Trump is the President that ended the Syrian war. Yeah, Russia actually did it, but he made it possible by cutting CIA funding to ISIS and their “moderate terrorist” allies. That is now a part of his legacy. That won’t mean much if he allows that victory to be turned into a proxy war with Russia to pick-up where ISIS left off in trying to kill Assad and install a terrorist regime.

If Nimrata Randhawa wants a war with Syria, she needs to go home to India and lobby that country to invade.

We are done with this.

I think we need some Alt-Right flashmobs against this move by Nimrata Randhawa and her Jewish backers. The media loves us, so it will get the discussion started. And no: no one is going to support a war because the Alt-Right is against it, though the media will try to press that angle, and it will make them look even more deranged than they already do. I can tell you that.