Students at 98% Black MLK Prep in Memphis “Sick” of the Violence Blacks Create

Stuff Black People Don’t Like
January 19, 2016

Martin Luther King (MLK) Prep in Memphis is working hard to live up to the high standards set by its namesake.

Only a few years, this 98 percent black school (91 percent of the students were eligible for a free lunch) was named Frayser High School. Perhaps the decision was made to change the name to MLK Prep because in 2011, the nation’s media outlets got easy quick-bait with a story from this blackest of schools where it was noted 90 girls attending the school were pregnant.

And now, comes this news courtesy of the 98 percent black MLK Prep. [Enough is enough: Memphis teens are sick of the violence, Fox13 Memphis, 1-14-16]:

In the first 14 days of the New Year, 12 people have been killed. Four of the victims were 18 years old or younger.

Aleshia Moody, Yadarius Joyner and Keante Love are all students at MLK Prep. They have spoken with FOX13 several times about their thoughts of Memphis.”Memphis is a dangerous city,” Joyner said.

These students said they knew two of the 12 homicide victims.

“A lot of folks have been dying, anybody can hit the corner and start shooting and your life can be gone like that,” Love said.

Earlier this year with the help of Shelby County School Board Member Stephanie Love, the students were a part of a mayoral forum where they asked the candidates crucial questions.

The students told FOX13 they remember very well what the now-Mayor Strickland spoke clearly about: safety.

“You can’t just walk down the street anymore,” Joyner said. “You never know what the person across the street is thinking or what they got planned.”

These students said they don’t think their voices are being heard by the people who can deliver change.

“The main problem is coming from unemployment. They don’t have jobs so they find a way to get money,” Moody said.

Before Martin Luther King’s crusade to make most of urban America uninhabitable, one could safely walk down any street in Memphis without fear of what the “person across the street” was thinking or what they got had planned.

I’m sick of the violence black people create in city after city across America, but I’m more sickened by the people who helped unleash it across this country.

Blacks are just degenerating to their natural state, aided by the opportunity for momentary fame on World Star Hip Hop (WSHH), but to continue to watch as the Cult of MLK spreads across the land is leading to only one logical conclusion: just as tribes once sacrificed one of their to ensure a good crop or to appease some non-existent deity, we are closer and closer to the moment when a white person will be sacrificed at the altar of MLK so that the violence blacks are so sick of can stop.