Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
November 6, 2014

At some point in the recent past, universities stopped being places of learning and became places for the parasitical infection of a social virus known as ‘pathological altruism.’
The rate of infection with this suicidal way of thinking has been steadily increasing over the years, culminating in insanity such as this.
A group of students are attempting to raise enough money to buy a £6m Scottish castle – so they can give it to asylum seekers to live in.
The group, from Aberdeen University, want the 38-bedroomed Dall Estate in Perthshire to become the new home of refugees wanting to live in Scotland.
The castle also boasts tennis courts, a golf course and an army assault course, all set in 265 acres – which dates back to the 1300s.

Darroch Bratt, who really should know better since he has been studying archaeology, dreamt up this insane idea after being indoctrinated with Boasian anthropology.
He told the Press and Journal:
“Basically, this came about by a total accident. I was looking through some property websites and this one caught my eye.
“So, I started talking about it with a few of my friends and we all agreed that it would be such a horrible waste to see it become another playground for the mega-rich.
Yes, much better for it to become a base for foreign savages to use, as they go marauding about through the Scottish countryside looking for bairns to eat and school girls to rape.
“And we just felt that there had to be a better way to use all that land – we thought that housing conditions are generally not the best for refugees wanting to live in Scotland.”
The 24-year-old explained the idea is to run a co-operative model, which should create a “vibrant community.”

Yes, a vibrant community of sodomites and cannibal warlords, who will be only too pleased to pay him and his student friends back for their stupidity by raping and/or killing them if they get the chance.
The group, who runs the Shared Planet Cafe in Aberdeen, is seeking donations from crowd-funding site Indiegogo and has a 28 December deadline.
Bratt added: “It’s certainly ambitious but we think that it can capture the imagination of the public and that we can make this work. We’re quietly confident.”
Thankfully most people are not quite as far advanced in the stages of this disease as the young Bratt is and his ambitious plan to ruin Perthshire with subhumans is unlikely to succeed.
If he does by any chance pull it off, then at least the locals will know who to thank.
The rather aptly named Darroch Bratt.