Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
December 27, 2014

A new study on porno appears to show a correlation between watching internet porn and not getting married.
The risks of watching porn seem a lot less than getting hitched nowadays, when there is a high chance that your wife will divorce you, steal your children from you and then get the law to force you to pay for her upkeep with her new Black boyfriend.
According to the study, internet pornography is “disrupting traditional family arrangements” because “if one of the important reasons to get married has a low cost alternative, then it is natural to wonder about the extent to which one can replace the other,” the researcher wrote.

The researchers basically compared data on 1,500 American men aged 18-35 and discovered that the more they used the internet for porn, the less likely they were to be married.
They then compared these results with people who looked at religious websites instead and found that they were more likely to be married.
Porn appeared to be a contributing factor and not a correlative one, as the subjects involved had never married – it was not that they were just not married at the time they were using the porn.
The researchers conclusions were that pornography is an “important factor underlying the decline in marriage formation and stability” and that anything which restricts access to it would “increase marital entry, with its attendant welfare improvements.”
The truly amazing thing about this study is that they actually felt they needed to do it. Surely it is just common sense that voyeuristically watching and lusting over other people having sex is not going to be conducive to fidelity, which is the main requirement for a successful marriage.
For the first time ever in England and Wales, married people are now in the minority and easily accessible pornography has probably played a large part in causing that.
If we lived in a nationalist state that actually put its people first instead of instant gratification, pornography would never have been allowed in the first place.