Study Finds That Faggots Disgust People as Much as Maggots

What did you feel after viewing the image above?

More than likely, it was disgust.

This is a perfectly natural reaction. Maggots are forces of decomposition, associated with sickness, rot and death. Despite their importance in the natural world, no man is hardwired to find them anything other than disgusting and undesirable.

You know what else we’re hardwired to find disgusting and undesirable?

Homosexuals. Or, to use the more scientific term, faggots.

That’s not just a personal opinion, but the conclusion reached by a recent study published in the journal Psychology & Sexuality.


In heterosexual men, pictures of rotting flesh, maggots and spoiled food induce the same physiological stress response as pictures of two men kissing each other. That is the surprising finding that was recently published in the peer-reviewed scientific journal Psychology & Sexuality.

“Participants watched a series of slideshows: male couples kissing, male couples holding hands, mixed-sex couples kissing, mixed-sex couples holding hands, boring images (e.g., paper clips) and disgusting images (maggots),” [study author Karen L. Blair] explained. “In between slide shows, we asked participants questions about their responses to the photos (not yet published) and we also collected saliva samples in order to assess salivary alpha-amylase in response to each slide show (the current paper).”

Measuring levels of salivary alpha-amylase, a digestive enzyme that is associated with stress and is especially responsive to disgust, allowed the researchers to examine the men’s physiological reaction to the photos. The study was based on results from 120 heterosexual men (aged 18 to 45).

“In comparing the salivary alpha-amylase responses of participants to the various slideshows, we found that participants had higher salivary alpha-amylase responses to the images of two men kissing and the disgusting images. In both cases, these responses were significantly different than the responses they had to the neutral stimuli.”

Don’t worry. The Daily Stormer cares about its readers, and would never post an image of fags kissing even when it is relevant to the article.

Nothing should surprise us about the results of this study.

All normal people are repulsed by actions and instincts that transgress the natural order, and nothing – other than miscegenation – is more anti-Nature than homosexualism.

Aside from their inability to perpetuate the species through reproduction, making them genetic cul-de-sacs, homosexuals tend to be self-destructive due to their perpetual statuses as outsiders. Child molestation, excessive promiscuity and substance abuse are rife among them, as are beliefs in nation-wrecking political stances like open borders.

The simple fact is that homosexuals view the world through a homosexual lens. Their mental illness defines them; it contextualizes their life choices and their contributions to the society in which they live. Since those choices and contributions cannot be anything other than a subversion of the values that build successful and wholesome nations, we evolved to view the people who support them with a disgust strong enough to be measured by science.

Just as maggots are agents of physical decay, faggots are agents of societal decay.