Study: Illegal Immigrants Bring Whopping $32 Billion in Tax Money – We Only Pay $182 Billion

Racists are so filled with virulent hatred for the color of the skin, they can’t even process the fact that these immigrants are great for America’s economy.

They only cost us $182 billion a year in taxpayer funds. Meanwhile, they pay a whopping $32 billion in taxes.

It’s easy math.

New York Post:

The migrant crisis is more costly than Americans realize.

Last year, US taxpayers shelled out some $150 billion in government services and support to help the 20 million illegal migrants in the country, according to a study from the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR).

And most of the cost is being borne by state and local governments.

See: Massachusetts Republicans Want Detailed Breakdown of State’s $1 Billion “Secret” Migrant Spending

In New York, the comptroller estimated that the migrant crisis will cost state taxpayers $4.3 billion through 2025, and New York City taxpayers $3 billion in fiscal year 2024 alone.

However, according to FAIR’s estimates, the estimated 1.45 million illegal migrants and children in the state already cost taxpayers nearly $10 billion in 2023.

While most states’ accounts of migrant expenses focus on emergency housing and aid, FAIR’s assessment factored in the full breadth of state services they draw on while in the US.

Services like education, medical expenses, law enforcement, legal costs and welfare were prominent factors FAIR looked at in its study.

Those, coupled with the differences in tax revenue compared to expenses, helped contribute to the discrepancies between state reporting and the estimated true cost of hosting migrants.

FAIR also included the costs of US-born children of illegal immigrants — something many reports don’t factor in.

Half of US states were estimated to have shelled out in excess of $100 million, while the bill for 19 reaches well over $1 billion.

California led the country with expenses of nearly $31 billion to take care of illegal immigrants and their children, according to FAIR’s study.

Texas followed at more than $13 billion; Florida clocked in at more than $8 billion; then New York and New Jersey.

The total outlay by American taxpayers was even higher, according to estimates from FAIR, at $182 billion.

However, illegal migrants do pay taxes — and FAIR estimated their contributions to local, state and federal treasuries came to about $32 billion.

However, that still left $150 billion in costs that American taxpayers were saddled with, FAIR estimated.

Oh. So we do loose $150 billion a year with immigrants.

Okay, well. That doesn’t mean anything. It’s still good for our economy, because of the GDP, for some reason.

And anyway you can’t put a price on diversity. It’s our greatest strength. Tens of millions of poor people and criminals leeching off of the taxpayer make us much stronger. Since the Biden Administration fully opened the border, we’ve gotten only stronger and stronger.

At this point, America’s back might break under the weight of all of this strength.

And besides: the immigrants share our values.

Why else would they come to America, other than that they share our values?

They came here for $150 billion in free money?

Not likely.

They love America because it is the greatest country ever.