Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 5, 2013

It seems that more Christians than Jews in America support the idea that God has ordained a Christ-hating, gay-loving, genocidal Jewish orgy in Palestine.
Though statistics are often skewed, this is probably true. And it is highly disturbing. It shows just have deeply the Jews have infiltrated the core consciousness, and even the very soul, of the American race.
From the Pew Research Center:
Israel defines itself as a Jewish state, and most Jews in the United States say that emotionally they are either very attached (30%) or somewhat attached (39%) to Israel. But on some measures, Jews’ feelings for Israel are equaled or even exceeded by those of white evangelical Protestants.
For example, twice as many white evangelical Protestants as Jews say that Israel was given to the Jewish people by God (82% vs. 40%). Some of the discrepancy is attributable to Jews’ lower levels of belief in God overall; virtually all evangelicals say they believe in God, compared with 72% of Jews (23% say they do not believe in God and 5% say they don’t know or decline to answer the question). But even Jews who do believe in God are less likely than evangelicals to believe that God gave the land that is now Israel to the Jewish people (55% vs. 82%).
White evangelical Protestants also are more likely than Jews to favor stronger U.S. support of Israel. Among Jews, 54% say American support of the Jewish state is “about right,” while 31% say the U.S. is not supportive enough. By contrast, more white evangelical Protestants say the U.S. is not supportive enough of Israel (46%) than say support is about right (31%).
Many will use this as a point upon which to attack the concept of Christianity, but indeed, we must acknowledge that traditional Christianity has usually been antisemitic, and it is only by the infiltration of the Jews that this sort of thinking worked its way into the American mind. We should note that it is only in America that Christians hold these sick and bizarre pro-Jew views.
We might also note that while Christians in America support the Jew state, they also opposed basically every aspect of the Jewish agenda, including gun control, homosexuality, multiculturalism, feminism and abortion. Thus, we must look at this in terms of a systematic control of the people’s minds through propaganda, rather than a true endorsement of the Jewish race.
The issue of Israel as a ‘promised land’ for the most sickening and evil people on earth being a part of some divine plan of God has been pushed through highly emotional outlets, and is now taken for granted as a core value of Christianity by many Americans.