Stunning and Brave! Satanic Tranny Wants Young White Men to Grow Tits, Stop Being Racist

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
March 15, 2019

Now I’ve seen it all.

I really should stop watching Vice. The other day I wanted to unwind and de-radicalize. But I was sorely disappointed.

Because there is absolutely nothing “De-Radicalizing” about this:

Contrapoints is an MtF tranny on HRT who makes satanic videos BTFOing the Alt-Right. Naturally though, the whole thing is just an excuse for the very, very sick man in the video to play dress-up. Naturally, when given the choice, he prefers to dress and act like an old world demon – an undeniable trend that keeps popping up with these trannies for some reason.

When given the choice, they prefer to dress up as demons… hmmm.

While I understand that Vice is a joke and not to be taken seriously, I can’t help but wonder who the crazier one is here. Is it the tranny doing his bizarre satanic videos or is it the journalist who thinks that this is somehow turning people away from the right?

But I answer my own question. The journalist in question:

Yes, this is yet another Elle Reeves report.

I think that the group who promises a return to normality and an end to mentally ill people like Contrapoints is only going to grow stronger in the years to come. Young white men aren’t going to go along with the whole “calm down and take your HRT” line that outlets like Vice are pushing.

If this is the trendy thing now, I want out. And I’m not alone in feeling that way.

There are limits to which young White men simply can’t be pushed. This new agenda to turn young boys into trannies is so Satanic and evil, I can’t even.

I mean just look at this:

This is presented as a healthy alternative to being a regular (read Fascist) masculine White man.

Maybe I’m old fashioned, but I think I know what young men are going to choose when presented with the option of becoming a tranny for the amusement of women and Jews or rediscovering their pride and absolutely tearing into the freaks and savages that have overrun our nations.

These freaks are all just digging their own graves at this point.