Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 12, 2014

Well, the sneaking Jews and the stinking monkeys told us the obvious thing was not going to happen, but it went ahead and happened anyway.
A Texas health care worker who had treated the invasive foreign ape Thomas Duncan, who purposefully brought a deadly plague to our country because he was allowed to do so by the ZOG, has tested positive for Ebola. According to officials.
“We knew a second case could be a reality, and we’ve been preparing for this possibility,” said Dr David Lakey, commissioner of the Texas Department of State Health Services.
The health worker has yet to be named.
Mr. Duncan’s family is presently in the process of suing the hospital, claiming they didn’t give him good enough treatment.

This whole thing makes me so angry, I can’t even hardly take it.
How the hell are you going to allow a deadly virus to travel into the country, saying it can’t be stopped be we owe it to the infected to allow them to infect us because racism?
This is beyond insane. It is unfathomable. I keep expecting our monkey President and our Jew CDC chief to come out and be like “surprise, we were just joking!”
Honestly, I can’t even believe this is actually happening. But, I guess if you are willing to let thousands of little girls get gang-raped by stinking Pakis to avoid being called racist, you might as well let everyone die from a deadly virus for the same reason.