Stupid Negress Replacing Eric Holder as AG Says Illegals Should Work in America

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 29, 2015

Because Blacks are so much more competent than Whites at absolutely everything, including but not limited to basketball, rapping and running countries, the replacement for the corrupt Negroid terrorist Attorney General Eric Holder is the confused, google-eyed ape Loretta Lynch.

The nominee (more like NEGROnee, amirite?) was quizzed today by the Senate Judiciary Committee during her confirmation hearing.

She came up against Jeff Session, who asked her about the rights of wetbacks to steal our jobs.


“Senator, I believe the right and the obligation to work is one that is shared by everyone in this country, regardless of how they came here,” Lynch said when asked by Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) who has a greater right to work: Illegal aliens, or lawful immigrants and American citizens?

“Certainly, if someone is here—regardless of status—I would prefer that they be participating in the workplace than not participating in the workplace,” Lynch said.

She also said she doesn’t believe that Obama’s executive action on immigration is an “amnesty.”

“With respect to the provision about temporary deferral, I did not read it as providing a legal amnesty, that is that permanent status there,” Lynch said.

Interestingly enough, if you were to pull any average street Negro off of the street and ask him about this crap, he would tell you he thinks every single person who isn’t either White or Black should be ejected.

You might not have guessed by reading my writings, but I am a friendly person in real life and regularly speak with Blacks if I am for whatever reason near them, and I have a pretty good idea where they are coming from. They are realists. Maybe pragmatists is a better word, as they aren’t directly connected to reality. Anyway, they do not like us Whites at all (as a group, that is – one to one they can be okay), but at the same time they recognize in some vague way that we are taking care of them and they need us around. Conversely, they recognize that the invading hordes are hostile and useless in every way.

It’s the same thing with gays – Obama loves them to no end, while the average Black would support our death penalty position.

It is funny then that Black SJWs are the ones making all of these insane decisions.