Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 7, 2018
If there is one thing I know more than anything else, it is that Jews are evil.
The second thing I know most is that women are stupid whores.
Over a 25 year period, women in America have decided as a group that they are going to put off pregnancy in order to suck dicks, parade around like sluts, and get money through affirmative action hoax jobs to buy shitty, pointless consumer goods.
The New York Times has a shitty article up about this that I didn’t bother to read, because I already know it is shit.
But it does feature these graphs.
And those are some mind-blowing graphs – especially when you consider the fact that a huge percentage of women are waiting til their wombs dry-up on their eternal cock-quest and not even having kids at all.
Here’s the total US birth rate decline – and keep in mind, this includes a bunch of new brown immigrants who fuck like animals.
We have to do something about this.
It’s a crisis that isn’t being called a crisis.
The only thing we can do is get women back in their place, and we have to do that by disincentivizing whoring around.
Right now, there are a few legal things that could be realistically done by the Trump administration:
- Changing public school sex-ed courses to inform women that whoring is gross
- Eliminating no-fault divorce (or creating some new kind of marriage that is an actual contract – the existence of no-fault divorce means marriage is no longer a legal contract)
- Offering motherhood classes in public schools, informing girls that “mother” is a valid career choice
- Giving interest-free loans to couples who get married and have a child before 25
- Providing tax cuts for young married couples
- Further restricting access to abortion and other birth control
On the social level:
- Men need to start publicly calling women whores
- Men need to STOP thinking women are above them, and start generally treating them like shit
- Men need to start telling women they have no purpose but to create children
- Divorced women need to be shunned by everyone in society
- We need more “no hymen, no diamond” memes (I don’t really think this is a valid position for most men to take, but they are great memes which make women go insane – they HATE it when it is pointed out to them that they are filthy whores)
And so on and so forth.
The social stuff can start any time. It looks like abortion restriction is going well.
I wish the Christians weren’t such PROUD LOSERS and would focus on reforming sex eduction, something which is actually possible. It is like, not even a hard thing to do, if there was a group lobbying for it. But it seems that for now, the single efficient conservative lobbying group is the NRA.
Conservatives can really accomplish absolutely nothing else.
And that makes me sick.