Subscribe to Ghoul’s New YouTube Channel! He Doxed His Face!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 11, 2016

Ghoul from TRS has a new YouTube channel.

And he’s doxed his face, Kek bless him.

Sort of expected a neckbeard, but he’s a really normal, sharp-looking lad.

Especially when compared to the rest of the TRS crew, which I’m just going to go ahead and dox:


Hell, might as well dox my own crew too:


No, those aren’t real.

But Ghoul is.



It’s happening.

People are doxing their faces, as was prophecized.

This is the big coming out – it has begun.

I have never encouraged anyone to do this, because I think it is too personal of a decision, and one which an individual is going to come to – or not – on their own.

I doxed myself years ago because I was just like “screw it, whatever.” But basically I have an irregular personality, or possibly some type of mental illness, and enjoy extreme conflict in my life. And there were other factors, such as that most of my work had been in countries where no one cares if you’re a Nazi.

Of course, I’ve been through all sorts of hell (most of which the reader isn’t aware of, some of it they are – it will all be in a book some day).

But now, things have changed.

Again, I’m not going to encourage anyone to dox themselves, but I will say this: it’s a very good thing if when people do it. That is what the Jews fear most, which is why they go after people that do it. Eventually, however, there will be so many people out in the open with this stuff that they won’t be able to harass us all.

On top of that, with Trump in power, the general climate is going to change so rapidly (it has so much already), that these SPLC/ADL kikes won’t be able to maintain any leverage at all. Very soon, an employer who gets called with “YOU HAVE SOMEONE WORKING FOR YOU WHO SAID SOMETHING MEAN ABOUT JEWS ON THE INTERNET – YOU HAVE TO SHUT IT DOWN, OY VEY!” is going to be me with a “lolwut” response.

And they’re not going to be able to continue to stop us from getting advertisement to fund ourselves with anymore either.

mark-potok-kik w-greenblattjonathan-110614-1423576675

Show’s wrapping up here, kikes. You’re going to need more than threatening phone calls to stop us now. 

When everyone has their face out there, it will be much easier to organize as well.

To Stand-up and be counted.

Just a note here: if you’re in a country where saying this stuff is illegal, I’d say don’t dox yourself until something changes. We don’t need our dudes in prison. Also, don’t dox yourself in America either unless you’re 100% sure that’s what you want to do. If you’re not a bold man, don’t worry – a bunch of others are going to do it first.

As far as I know, Ghoul is the first person to come out like this since the Trump victory. And for that, he will go down in history.

Hail Ghoul.

Hail the risen Alt-Right.

Hail Trump.

Hail Victory.