Sugar Baby’s Big Black Daddy was Banned From University, Tried to Find Fake Wife on Stolen iPad

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 4, 2019

Oh baby baby it’s a wild world. It’s hard to get by just on a smile. 

Well, the MacKenzie Lueck story sure did disappear from the media quick, didn’t it?

At least we can count on PUNISHED MAIL to keep us updated.

Shockingly, the Nigerian murderer was a habitual criminal, and was known to have committed many crimes before killing this prostitute.

But he wasn’t deported for committing these crimes, because America is a human rights democracy and so on and so forth. So the white hooker just had to die.

Daily Mail:

A man arrested in the death of a University of Utah student whose charred remains were found in his backyard was banned from the campus of Utah State University in 2012, according to documents released on Tuesday.

Ayoola A. Ajayi, 31, is being held without bail on suspicion of aggravated murder, kidnapping and other charges in the death of 23-year-old Mackenzie Lueck.

Prosecutors said Tuesday they had been granted an extension on filing formal charges until next week as they investigate what was on her wiped phone.

It has now been revealed that Utah State University banned him after his student visa expired and he was arrested on suspicion of having a stolen an iPad, a misdemeanor, according to university police reports.

The Los Angeles Times reported that police said he used the Apple device to play video games and look for a wife to avoid being deported although he was already married.

Campus police received a report the tablet was missing and it was tracked via an IP address. Law enforcement stated he lied when he said his mother gave it to him as a gift but he didn’t know how to use it. They noted he had wiped the school’s device and replaced the contents of it with his personal applications.

It’s also reported his now-deleted LinkedIn pages stated he worked in IT for Dell, Goldman Sachs, Microsoft and Comcast.

University officials barred him from campus in August 2012, and police also informed the consulate of his native Nigeria of the arrest.

Jail documents show Ajayi is now a U.S. citizen. At the time of his 2012 arrest police documents indicate his student visa had expired but he had married a woman in Texas.

Ajayi attended the university on and off between 2009 and 2016. He had also stopped attending class in 2011 before but continued to sleep on residence hall couches and keep things in a janitor’s closet while homeless, according to police and university documents.

Prior to the iPad incident, cops caught him sleeping on a couch outside dorms where he claimed to be meeting a girlfriend but when they spoke to a female student inside she said Ajayi didn’t have a partner living there.

This guy sounds like a complete nigger.

The funny part is, hookers all know not to go with black guys, but she probably thought this guy was okay because of the fact he was not an American black, wore glasses and pretended to be a computer programmer.

People should be rallying behind this. If there is one bi-partisan issue that everyone can rally around, it’s that we simply do not need Africans coming over here to torture, murder and burn up our hookers.

Nigeria has plenty of hookers that this man could have tortured, murdered and burned, but no – he’s gotta come over and kill our hookers.

Even before the story was totally dropped because the perp turned out to be an immigrant black, the media had been almost completely silent on the fact that MacKenzie was a hooker, and in fact most people probably don’t even know that piece of information.

However, Fox News and WaPo did team up this week to attack the people who are talking about the fact that she was a hooker, telling them to shut up.

But even in the “shut it down” article, they don’t say that she was a hooker, and refer to the prostitution sites she was using to meet johns as “dating apps.”

Washington Post:

Since the day Mackenzie Lueck disappeared, her friends have been in front of the story, advocating for the 23-year-old University of Utah student to police, the public and the press.

After Lueck left Salt Lake City International Airport in the early morning hours of June 17 and went dark, her friends said the silence was out of character. When more time passed without word, some who didn’t know her insinuated Lueck had run away by her own volition. Her friends rejected that theory, too.

Now, days after police said they found Lueck’s DNA in a backyard fire pit and arrested a suspect on murder charges, the young woman’s friends are speaking out again. In an interview with Fox News, Kennedy Stoner, Ashley Fine and Katie Kvam shut down those who have blamed their friend for her own death.

“Her death is not her fault,” Kvam told Fox News. “And for people to say things other than that is hurtful. It’s hurtful to us. It’s hurtful to her family. It’s hurtful to other victims out there. It just doesn’t make sense.”

Others have used their platforms to mock Lueck’s disappearance or blame her for what happened. Just before police announced her death, a now-fired writer for Barstool Sports wrote a crude post that focused Lueck’s reported use of dating apps.

Commentary and speculation like that led the Utah Domestic Violence Coalition to release a statement: “Victim blaming and shaming is inappropriate and unacceptable. In addition to perpetuating myths about abuse, assault, and violence, victim blaming wrongly excuses the perpetrator’s behaviors.”

Lueck’s friends are spreading the same message.

“It hurts victims, and it stops them from coming forward,” Fine said in the Fox News interview. “Regardless of anything somebody does, they do not deserve to be treated this way. That’s why we’re here and why we want to spread this message. We want victims to come forward regardless of the potential to be shamed.

Fine added: “No person regardless of their gender or dating life deserves to die. . . . Mackenzie is not responsible for the death and murder of Mackenzie. There’s only one person responsible for that, and we’re here to hold him responsible and we’re going to keep holding him responsible.

Stoner, one of Lueck’s sorority sisters, echoed that sentiment.

“There’s a lot of people that say she deserved this because she put herself in this situation and we don’t officially know that,” Stoner told Fox News.

Well, we know that she met this Ayoola person on a hooking site and we know that she met him in the middle of the night in a park.

This is actually incredible, calling prostitution “dating life,” and printing an entire article condemning people who say she should have expected this without saying that they are saying that because she was a prostitute.

This is really the anatomy of a fake news story. They don’t outright lie, exactly, but they use lies of omission and engage in malicious euphemisms – a form of weasel wording.

As far as whether or not she “deserved it” – firstly, I doubt anyone is saying that.

They’re probably saying that she was engaged in dangerous behavior, and they’re probably condemning the media for their misrepresentation of this story.

Let’s do an analogy.

Steve Irwin, the famous Australian Crocodile Hunter, made a living harassing dangerous animals on television.

He ended up dying as a result of this behavior.


On 4 September 2006, Irwin was on location at Batt Reef, near Port Douglas, Queensland, taking part in the production of the documentary series Ocean’s Deadliest. During a lull in filming caused by inclement weather, Irwin decided to snorkel in shallow waters while being filmed in an effort to provide footage for his daughter’s television programme.

While swimming in chest-deep water, Irwin approached a short-tail stingray with an approximate span of two metres (6.5 ft) from the rear, in order to film it swimming away.

According to the incident’s only witness, “All of a sudden [the stingray] propped on its front and started stabbing wildly with its tail. Hundreds of strikes in a few seconds”. Irwin initially believed he only had a punctured lung. However, the stingray’s barb pierced his heart, causing him to bleed to death. The stingray’s behaviour appeared to have been a defensive response to being boxed in. Crew members aboard Irwin’s boat administered CPR and rushed him to the nearby Low Isles where medical staff pronounced him dead.

Did he deserve to die like this?

Most would say “no.”

However, he chose to live a lifestyle and pursue a profession that was very dangerous, and it ended up killing him. If I were to say “Steve should have been more careful” or “I guess that’s what happens when you make a living chasing after deadly animals,” I don’t think anyone would accuse me of “victim blaming.” I don’t think there would be articles written about how it was wrong to say that Steve Irwin was gambling with his life and lost.

The thing about playing stupid games is that you tend to win stupid prizes.

Obviously, the African negroid is responsible for MacKenzie Lueck’s death, just as that big stingray was responsible for Steve Irwin’s death. But it isn’t like either of these people couldn’t have avoided death by choosing different life paths.

Instead of defending MacKenzie Lueck, the media SHOULD be telling young girls about the dangers inherent in a life of prostitution, and in particular, the dangers of being a prostitute that serves black customers. That is certainly what a media that was actually concerned about the wellbeing of a population would be doing.

But the American Jewish media is saying that anyone who says that actions often result in consequences is pure evil, and they won’t even tell you what kind of actions this woman was engaged in that led to her death.

Did You Know That the Nigerian was a Model?

Apparently, when Nigerians come to America, they have an entire list of “dreams” to fulfill.

This Nigerian whore-slayer was a novelist (he wrote a novel about killing people and burning their bodies, lol), a computer programmer and an aspiring model.

The woman whose modeling agency he applied to says that he was “very handsome.”


He had been in alright shape, I guess.

Nothing all that impressive, and it’s certainly offset by that apelike visage.

She also suggested in her interview with Inside Edition that Ayoola might have been planning to kill some of her female models.

I wonder if he killed other women? 

It seems like even if we’re going to have multiculturalism, we shouldn’t allow criminals to operate in the US. If this man had been sent out for all those other crimes he’d committed, MacKenzie Lueck would still be alive.

No, just joking – she would have accepted some other black customer and ended up also dead. But they probably wouldn’t have tortured her in a dungeon and then burned her body.