Here you have the black mayor of Monticello, New York, Gordon Jenkins, repeatedly calling the White cops who arrested him for DUI “fucking cracka muthafuckahs.”
Here is a CBSNY report on the incident, talking about how he broke a clock, but not mentioning his anti-White hatespeech.
He was taken into custody after showing up to take a look at a serious car accident on Main Street. A volunteer firefighter noticed the mayor looked drunk, according to police, and notified law enforcement. Jenkins was arrested on the spot.
Gordon Jenkins: Dis nigga be trippin.In a video recorded at his own police headquarters, a man identified as Jenkins was shown seated in a chair with one hand handcuffed to a wall. During the first minute of the video, he is heard apparently talking to himself, using a variety of obscene insults to describe the officers.
Soon afterward, an officer comes in to interview him.
“You know something, Davis?” he says to the officer in the video. “I’m the one that hired you in this job, man. I mean, it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter about that. But you know something? How the f**k you guys going to play the game?”
When the officer later addresses him as “sir,” Jenkins replies: “Don’t call me sir.”
“Mayor? Is that better?” the officer says.
“Don’t call me mayor,” Jenkins replies. “Call me n****r, because that’s what I am when I’m right here in handcuffs. But you know something? I don’t give a f**k.”
Altogether, hours of video were released, showing Jenkins not happy about his arrest.
“What are you going to do? Put me in jail five years? I’ll get out in five years, and I going to f***ing tell you what the f**k you did to me, and I’m going to come back to you,” he tells an officer later.
The mayor was charged with DWI, refusing a Breathalyzer, obstruction of justice and criminal mischief.
“Why did you break the clock?” an officer says.
“Because I called you and you didn’t answer, and you f***ed… these cuffs are too tight,” Jenkins replies. When the officer returns to the room, Jenkins accuses the officer of trying to “humiliate” him.
The head of the local Policemen’s Benevolent Association said handcuffing the mayor to the wall for most of the night was not unusual treatment.
“The way he was acting, how intoxicated he was — he was treated the way everybody else was treated,” said Monticello PBA President John Riegler.
Meanwhile, residents of Monticello had serious questions Sunday about the mayor’s latest alleged conduct.
“It’s not a good example for a person in that position to be setting for the public,” one person said.
“He’s not fit for being mayor,” another said. “What mayor would do something like what he does?”
Well, pretty much every black mayor there has ever been in the United States has done something like what he does, another.
It really doesn’t work very well at all to have blacks in positions of authority. All evidence shows that they are totally incapable of behaving like responsible adults.