Well, it’s Sunday, and I am on Day 11 of an 8 day complete water fast (with some coffee and Zyn, though minimal). My muscles are atrophying, but it doesn’t matter, that will come back before the fat I’ve lost. I’ve lost all the fat. I didn’t really have a lot. I don’t look like an Auschwitz “victim” yet. I also feel slightly confused and dizzy. I heard this Chinaman who is a pro-faster saying that Vietnam soldiers locked up by the Viet Cong were denied food but for some reason given a bunch of books and they were tearing through them and becoming geniuses, learning new languages in mere days. I haven’t ever looked up the book he cited. But I don’t feel like I could learn anything. I wouldn’t even go for a walk at this point.
But I do feel great. Really. All that stuff above makes it sound like I wouldn’t feel good, but I feel totally fantastic.
I’ve decided to push it until 14 days. Nice even number. So I’m almost through. It’s an accomplishment, if nothing else. But after no bowel action, save for the occasional expulsion of bile (the body keeps producing bile, so it just excretes like a small amount of diarrhea, but it’s just a clear though slightly brownish liquid), I’ve been excreting some kind of black ooze over the last two days. I think all of those new age lunatics might be right, and I’m expelling toxins. So I think these last three days are going to be highly beneficial.
For the record, I’ve seen nothing that looks like worms or any other parasites. Honestly, I think the whole parasite theory went a bit overboard. I think it is real, and I think gays and any heterosexuals engaging in “anal sex” (it’s not sex) probably are crawling with them, and probably a fair amount of people who eat processed food have them, but logically, if you’re healthy (i.e., not eating processed food), a parasite is going to be attacked and killed like any other invader in your body.
The issue with “toxins” is that many are non-organic matter that your body doesn’t know what to do with. Like, there are all kinds of people who were in war or violent incidents who have pieces of shrapnel in their bodies for their whole lives. The body doesn’t try to break that down because it doesn’t recognize it as invasive. There are organic toxins, but heavy metals, PFAS, pesticides/herbicides, VOCs, and various other sorts, mostly petrochemical based, confuse the body. Don’t get me wrong, these will be eliminated naturally without an 11 day fast, to some extent, but they can build up in tissue in ways that organic toxins really can’t (unless you’re constantly consuming them, i.e., if you are a processed food eater).
When you’re fasting at length, you’re literally just eliminating whatever is around, with the body starving, attempting to go through all of the systems and find things that can be broken down and stripped for molecular materials.
I’m not going to church today. I could well be arrested on the train for public drunkenness, the way I’ve been stumbling around. But I am praying and contemplating spiritual issues.
You know, we’re not supposed to be listening to secular music during Lent. I thought about that when I posted that bizarre Jason Isbell review yesterday. He did mention God pulling him out of the grave his whore wife buried him in in the song I wanted to highlight but I don’t think that really counts.
So today I’m just listening to the Doobie Brothers’ Jesus is Just Alright with Me on repeat.
Nb4 “that is still secular music driven by salacious negro voodoo beats.” I know that bro. Please. Please, never say obvious things to me, under any circumstances, ever.
Best I can do is Elvis gospel collection.
I don’t believe Jesus or His Holy Mother could possibly take issue with that.
Unlike the Doobie Brothers, Elvis explicitly excluded vulgar negro jungle rhythms from his gospel music, even whilst he was a master of such rhythms.
I wish Elvis would have been saved by Jesus like he says in these songs. But women, man. They’ll get you. Priscilla was literally the whore Eve, and when she got Elvis kicked out of the Garden all the trees were sprouting delicious narcotic pills. That is the literal analogy.
May Christ have mercy on his soul.
I’ve said it six million times: everything would be perfect in this country if when Richard Nixon resigned he would have simply said: “Under one condition… that Elvis Presley be crowned the Absolute Monarch of America.”
Anyway, I wanted to do a spiritual sermon today, for the enrichment of the reader, and address a core issue of importance. Maybe the most important issue, beyond the nature of Christ’s sacrifice, which is the meaning of prayer.
Why do we pray?
Reddit faggots will often say “so why does an all powerful God need people to worship Him? Huh?” Obviously, the answer is that he does not need that. It’s not a particularly difficult question. The reason we worship is for ourselves, to purify our souls, and to bring us closer to the light of God. We worship Him out of thankfulness for making us in His image and for instilling a piece of his divinity within us, and we worship him to strengthen that piece of His divinity that lives within us.
But prayer is about much more than worship, even while, fundamentally, all prayer is a form of worship. We pray thankfulness, we pray forgiveness, and we pray supplication. Probably, most of it is the latter, because we are only human. And asking for protection for our friends and family, for guidance for our leaders, for protection from our enemies, is not selfish.
But there are selfish prayers. Or, “prayers.” I don’t think they are actually prayers. But they are very popular among Protestants. Many Protestants teach that you can pray and get rich. This is insane and an abomination. Prayers for guidance, prayers for strength, these are supplication, but they are not asking for material things.
You can ask for material blessings, but it must be humble, and framed correctly. Maybe you want a wife. This should be something along the lines of “Lord, if it please thee, send me a wife, and if it doesn’t please thee, give me the strength to live without one.”
There was a phenomenon, primarily among Protestants, of imagining that God is talking to them. George W. Bush used to claim that God was talking to him. Powerful people who make this claim are just cynical charlatans, exploiting the stupidity and gullibility of the peasantry. But if someone actually believes that is happening, they are insane and psychopathic. God is not talking to you. That is not something that happens.
Even in the Bible, when it talks about God talking to the prophets, it doesn’t mean it literally, save for in a very few cases, such as Moses and the burning bush. In general, the prophets were extremely wise and enlightened, and therefore existed in balance with the will of God and therefore understand his purposes. In some cases, they were spoken to in dreams.
But in general, we should understand that although Christianity is a religion that includes miracles, some of them fundamental, in general, it is not a religion of magic, the defiance of the laws of physics. Miracles, as they exist in the world today, generally involve statistical impossibility. But that isn’t really magic, because probability is not a science.
If you’ve ever been to a casino, you’ve seen someone “hot,” just totally violating the understanding we have of random chance. Being hot at the craps table is not a miracle from Heaven, but it is something we can look at and see that probability is not actually random.
It’s actually a scientific mystery, as random number generators prove.
From the Algorithm Design Manual:
Unfortunately, generating random numbers looks a lot easier than it really is. Indeed, it is fundamentally impossible to produce truly random numbers on any deterministic device. Von Neumann [Neu63] said it best: “Anyone who considers arithmetical methods of producing random digits is, of course, in a state of sin.” The best we can hope for are pseudo-random numbers, a stream of numbers that appear as if they were generated randomly.
There is a lot of weird information about RNG machines producing patterns constantly, which you can also look into if you’re interested.
So, the type of miracle you will experience, and the type of answer you get to a prayer in the real world, is going to be based on events happening that appear to be statistically impossible. If you are praying for a wife, you get into a car accident that is completely not your fault based on a faulty traffic light, get out to speak to the person you crashed into, and you end up marrying her. Things like this happen all the time, or they used to, when we were a religious society. Because we are not a religious society, we are mostly just floating through a meaningless void of random horrors, like we’re all trapped in an endless Cormac McCarthy novel.
Everything that happens is the Will of God, and anything can happen. So then what is the most important thing we should ask for from God?
It’s what King Solomon asked for: wisdom.
Wisdom gives us the ability to understand the meaning of the events that happen in our lives, and to respond to them in a way that serves God (and therefore ourselves and everyone else on earth).
Of course, we should always do the right and moral thing, which we all know. We should not steal or fornicate, or lie or trick people, and so on. We should not become fat. But most decisions we make in life are not explicitly moral decisions. If we go back to the example of wanting a wife (which seems to be a pretty relevant issue among the Daily Stormer readership), whether or not to pursue a specific woman is not a moral decision. Unless you’re already married (or she is), there is no moral content to the question of whether or not you should be going after her. Answering that question would require wisdom.
Obviously, wisdom is linked to understanding. If the woman has blue hair and piercings and is manic and deranged, you should have an understanding that this is not worth pursuing, regardless of what your dick may be telling you. You’re not going to marry her, so you’re thinking about fornication, and then she will likely ruin your life. And even if she doesn’t, nothing of value will have been gained, and you will have committed a mortal sin you will have to confess and repent of. That is all just obvious.
But wisdom also relates to intuition, which we all have, and which we all know we have. Sometimes, something just feels right or wrong. Sometimes, you can have a sense of certainty that something is right, even though you have no logical reason to believe that, necessarily. Of course, that sense could be coming from your own ego, and be completely meaningless. However, if you pray for wisdom, it is my strong belief – and in fact, I will just say it is a fact – that your sense of intuition is going to become much more fine tuned, as you will be more connected with the spirit of God within you, and guided to make correct decisions, through this intuitive sense.
I have often mentioned Rupert Sheldrake, and I think everyone needs to read him and look at the data he has compiled on human intuition and other “psychic” phenomenon. The masterwork probably (or at least my favorite) is “Dogs That Know When Their Owners are Coming Home.” He has all these studies that demonstrate that psychic phenomena absolutely do exist.
Here he is commenting on the titular dogs:
There are also human studies that are equally scientific and equally impeccable in their methodology and could be repeated by anyone. No one wants to try to repeat them, because science is literally fake. If telepathy exists, it disproves the entire theology of nihilistic atheism that is the reigning doctrine of our Jew-riddled society. People call it a “Jewocracy,” but you could call it an “Atheist Theocracy.”
Because so few scientists want to examine these phenomena, the data is limited, but Sheldrake has put enough out there to make it undeniable that it is real and anyone who says it isn’t is just a lying kike.
What I assert is that this psychic world is the spiritual world, and that we are all fundamentally connected to it, and the strength of our connection to it is based on our connection to God. Sheldrake is an Anglican, but he’s also a bit obsessed with keeping his work in the realm of science. What I would like to see is some of the psychic tests done on highly religious people against atheists, and see how the psychic abilities of the two groups compare. I already know what the answer would be, but I would love to see the studies performed. But he doesn’t want to be dismissed as a religious kook, so he is mostly private about his religious beliefs, at least in relation to his work.
But I will tell you, dear brother, as a matter of fact, if you engage in regular prayer and other spiritual practices, regular church attendance, confession, the Eucharist, and now I’m full-in on fasting (though you don’t have to go two weeks), you will gain wisdom and that will include a more refined ability to intuitively understand situations through these “psychic” abilities that we all have.
Finally, I just want to say: what you want might be the same as what God wants for you, but a lot of times it’s not going to be. Obviously, God is right, and you are wrong. Wisdom should allow you to line these things up, to make it so you want what God wants for you, because you understand He wants what’s best for you, and He is going to guide you to that, and take care of you on the way.
He is Risen.