Sunday Showdown: Post-Putin Friendship Reality and the Return of John McCain

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 9, 2017

We are living now in a post Trump-Putin BFF world.

We are living in a post-kookspiracy world, where the impetus is on the kookspirators to present the DNC server and somehow manage to prove that Russia did Wikileaks.

A lot of these people are having a difficult time grappling with that fact.

I haven’t even written about this New York Times piece this morning.

It’s just more nonsense. But it’s mentioned in all of these shows.

This Week

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin

The thing I want to see this Jew questioned on is this Guy Richie King Arthur movie, which was absolutely unbearable. I mean, I only watched the first ten minutes of it, but it was horrible. It was these giant elephants and – wow – this movie is utter shit.

Why won’t Stephapopolopolous bring up substantive issues, such as how shitty that movie is?

Walter Shaub Jr., Outgoing Director of the Office of Government Ethics

He was threatened, the poor fat bastard.

We don’t need ethics and we sure as hell don’t need fat people claiming to have ethics.

Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas

Who the hell is this guy?

Meet the Press

Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C.

Little Lindsey, still shilling against Russia.

Why not request the DNC server, you cocksucker?

Tom Perez, Chairman of the Democratic National Committee and Ronna Romney McDaniel, Head of the Republican National Committee

Omg I can’t stand Mexicans. Or women.

Such incompetent failures.

Former CIA Director John Brennan.

This Danny Boy is seriously butthurt his entire legacy has been destroyed.

Maybe he should have created a better legacy than one of lies and trickery.

Face the Nation

Nikki Haley, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations

Nikki Haley is still shilling for the kookspiracy.

Bitch needs to be fired, she needs to be fucking deported.

Why on earth is this Paki in our country let alone in our government?

Because she has a Southern accent?

Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz.

Insane McCain is shilling again for the kookspiracy.

At least he was able to form sentences though. Gotta give that to him. Or rather, gotta give that to whoever is regulating his medication.

Good job.

Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas

Can’t totally remember who this guy is.

His face sure is… bready though.

State of the Union

Nikki Haley, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations

Again, the female interviewer failed to asked Nikki Haley about why she continues to take shits in front of the United Nations building on the sidewalk.

Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif.

Jew rat Schiff is shilling for the kookspiracy.

He accuses Trump of lying about what went on in the private meeting with Putin.

Even though Trump himself is openly saying he doesn’t agree with the kookspiracy.

I’m quite sure he asked Putin about it – why would he not?

Putin would have said “nope” and Trump would have replied “okay, cool, moving on…”

Schiff dodged the question about the DNC server. While still claiming to know “for a fact” that Russia did it.

How is that supposed to make sense?

Former Defense Secretary Ash Carter

I totally forgot about this guy.

Fox News Sunday

White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus

Reince shilling good today.

He’s a good shill.

Sen. Bill Cassidy, R-La.

Dunno about this one, I didn’t watch it lol.