Super Saiyan IRL! Polack Absolutely UNLOADS on Pussy-Ass Dutch Cops

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
January 22, 2019

You may not like it, but this is what peak masculinity looks like.


After being caught on video in a bizarre ‘charging up’ stance, a 30-year-old Polish man injured three police officers during a violent clash in a Dutch town.

Did you hear what the black guy says at the beginning? “Yeaaaa, this nigga feral mode, woah!” 


Can’t you just hear the admiration in his voice?

The brawl took place in Waalwijk, near Rotterdam in the Netherlands on Monday afternoon. The majority of the violence was captured on camera by a random passerby who can be heard saying, “This is going to go viral,” as the unnamed man violently assaults two trainee officers and their backup. 

Now, I’m just going to go ahead and say that this nigga did absolutely nothing wrong.

Because on principle, going Super Saiyan/Super Aryan is never the wrong thing to do.

In fact, no White man should ever be charged for an act that’s legit funny or legit impressive, but that may have violated the law. There should be – and traditionally always have been – exceptions for people pulling off super funny or superhuman feats in our societies. We still have that ‘mirin instinct in us to this day. That’s why we cheer on people who break the law with style. Don’t believe me?

Look at Superhero comics. They get away with leveling cities because they’re super. 

And most people are cool with that idea because the whole concept makes perfect sense. 

Imagine a more medieval context. Some traveler comes to your town, activates his Berserker powers and absolutely trashes your armed guards with his fists. If you were a wise lord, you’d hire that man on the spot to serve your kingdom or be your bodyguard.

That’s just the obvious right and huwhyte move.

As a society, you gotta let men display their talents and strengths and then put them to use. This will encourage men to reach greater and greater heights in whatever craft, talent or field they pursue, comfortable in the knowledge that as long as they get people to start ‘mirin them, they’re going to do fine in life.

This streetfighter ought to be given a position in the Royal Streetfight Corps. Alas, he’ll end up in a jail cell.

Still, he’s going to be absolutely drowning in bad bitch pussy for his display of fearless Aryan martial prowess once he gets out.

And doesn’t that make it all worth it, in the end?