Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 24, 2015

A new show for young girls is coming out later this year, and it follows a character model that is now apparently the standard for all shows aimed at young White girls.
The pilot for the new CBS show Supergirl was leaked (more likely purposefully released for hype purposes) on torrent and I allegedly watched it.
I won’t post a link for legal reasons, but I hear there is a famous pirate ship you can find it on if you are so inclined.
You can basically get the entire gist of it by watching this 7 minute preview (which, by the way, has received 11.5 million views in a week and a half):
Or you can just read my description of it.
The main character is – as you would reckon – Supergirl, who’s real name is Kara Zor-El. She is the cousin of Superman, a blonde Aryan female from outer space.
In the show, she is an empowered working girl who, despite being in her mid-twenties, is unmarried, childless and not pregnant.

Her best friend is a friend-zoned White male, Winslow “Winn” Schott, who is in love with her but is far too pathetic for such a fox to ever be interested in (like all White men, we are to assume).

But guess who she is interested in? Jimmy Olsen.
Funny that such a bombshell would be interested in a goofball ginger in a plaid suit and bowtie, huh?

You’d think she’d go for a jockish type, or at least a guy who dresses a bit better.
Oh, but wait. Jimmy Olsen has changed some since we were kids…

We have a new Jimmy Olsen, who we might call “Jimmy Olsen, Muffugguh.” It’s a large alpha Negroid, whom Kara gets jittery and nervous around due to his intense alpha Negroid nature and ape-like handsomeness. The pilot plays this up heavy, and it is clear that he will be the love interest for the blonde Aryan girl later on in the series.
The way they contrast the Negro with the beta White (again, played by a Jew) is just incredible. They really are throwing it in your face.
This show follows the Nickelodeon show “Bella and the Bulldogs” created by a Black cuckolding fetishist and a Jew. That show is aimed at little girls ages 2-11, while this one appears to be aimed at girls 10 to 14.
They will probably play up the cuckolding theme in this show, with Kara first hooking up with a White male and then ditching him for Jimmy Django Olsen. The pilot features a scene where she goes on a date with a White guy she met on a dating site and he is a total douche.

This show doesn’t have any Blacks involved in it’s production – it’s all Mexicans and Chinese people. No wait, sorry – three Jews, two of which are homosexuals.
Greg Berlanti is a gay Italian Jew. He is known for his work on Dawson’s Creek, Everwood, Political Animals, Arrow and The Flash.

Allison Adler is a lesbian Jewess known for co-creating the gay propaganda show The New Normal.

The third Jew creator, Andrew Kreisberg, is apparently a heterosexual. He has worked on the Simpsons, Fringe, Arrow and The Flash.

This is getting out of control. It seems that at some point, even normal, unaware White folks are going to have to be like “wait a second – is it at all weird that all of these television shows are marketing interracial sex to little girls? Who could be behind such a bizarre agenda?”