Support Officer Darren Wilson: The ‘Thin Blue Line’ Between the White Civilization of America and the Black Barbarism of Detroit

August 20, 2014

Support Officer Darren Wilson

It wasn’t a but a month ago the black cop killer Lawrence Campbell’s wife ranted he should have killed more cops before he was killed.  [Cop killer’s widow rages: He should’ve killed more cops, NY Post, 7-14-14]:

The widow of the thug who executed a Jersey City cop over the weekend said Monday that her husband should have killed even more officers — as her neighbors set up a sickening memorial to her fame-seeking spouse.

“He should’ve taken more [officers] with him,” Angelique Campbell said of husband Lawrence, who killed rookie Officer Melvin Santiago in an ambush early Sunday, before being killed by police.

Vigils went up in the memory of Lawrence Campbell, a black cop killer instantly celebrated by the black community in Jersey City as some sort of hero.
Almost at the same time in a city undergoing rapid white flight, Indianapolis, a white officer was gunned down by a black career criminal (whose father was also a career criminal).

Officer Perry Renn got “out of his car” to confront Major Davis Jr., who had brought an AK-47 to a family picnic. He’d be dead soon after, when Davis’ rifle tragically found its mark.
And the black family was quick to point out Officer Renn would still be alive if he’d “stayed in his car.”[Family Of Cop-Killer: If Officer Had Stayed In His Car, He Wouldn’t Have Been Shot,, 7-15-14]:

The family said it “felt sorry” for Officer Renn’s family, but that the shooting may have been avoided if he had stayed in his car since he could see Davis had a gun. Incidentally, the alleged killer has an extensive criminal background that dates back to 2006.

Had Officer Renn survived the gun battle with Davis, and the AK-47 toting Davis fallen, you can bet the incident in 67 percent black Ferguson (and the black lynch mob demanding Justice for Mike Brown) would have gotten started a month early in Indianapolis.

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Had Officer Renn stayed in his car, the black family of his murderer attests he’d still be alive: Funny — this incident in July 2014 Indianapolis could have been a Ferguson-esque moment if Officer Renn had shot and killed Major Davis (instead of the other way around)…

For in the words of the family of Major Davis Jr. in Indianapolis we see a mentality that unites blacks nationwide: from Ferguson to Jersey; from Indianapolis to the Oval Office and the Attorney General’s of the Department of Justice… [Murder suspect’s family speaks out about shooting,, 7-6-14]:

The family of Major Davis Jr., the man accused of killing Officer Perry Renn, is speaking out about the shooting. His aunt, cousins and his children’s grandmother all talked to 24-Hour News 8 on Sunday afternoon.

The family is still struggling to accept that Davis Jr. could be a part of something like this. He is a father with four children, ages 10 and under.  His family has had a long, tense history with Indianapolis police officers.

“You don’t know what he been through with IMPD. We do. He’s scarred for life,” said his children’s grandmother, Pam Moornan.

The Davis family’s history with police began with Major Davis Sr. He served at least three years on a drug conviction and was arrested again in 2003 for public intoxication.

He died of a heart attack in police custody when Davis Jr. was a young teen. Though the coroner’s report said the officers weren’t at fault for any fatal injuries, the family still holds officers responsible.

“He wasn’t a bad person. His father was killed by IMPD. That is enough to hurt a person and scar him for life,” said Moornan.

One of the officers listed in that 2003 police report is Officer Perry Renn.

“I imagine he figured they were going to try and kill him. I mean cause look what they did to his father,” said Moornan.

On Saturday night, the family says they were having a cookout.

“Next thing, I just heard shots and everybody running in the house and everybody hit the floor,” said Yvonne Moornan, Davis Jr.’s aunt.

By the time they got outside, they realized those shots were Davis Jr. and Officer Renn shooting at each other. Davis had an assault rifle.

“Major is not a bad person in spite of what happened. Things happen, ” said Pam Moornan.

Now, the Davis family is worried about their son’s reputation and again, questioning police tactics.

“It’s horrible about what took place, but, I mean, I don’t think it’s fair though for them to keep dragging him through the mud,” said Moornan.

And again, questioning police tactics.

“I don’t know how the police was shooting. I don’t know if they took concern of any kids running around,” said Yvonne Moornan.

The family did say it is sorry for Officer Renn’s family, but they said the tragedy may have been avoided if Officer Renn would’ve stayed at his car since he could see Davis had a gun.

We grant police the ability to protect civilization, knowing they must administer the monopoly on violence: a thin veneer separating stability and progress from  chaos and anarchy.

Which is why Officer Darren Wilson must be supported.

‘Support Officer Darren Wilson’ is on ‘Gofundme’. White people have raised $29,499 so far.

He’s already been thrown under the bus by the mainstream media, the Obama Administration, the Department of Justice, black agitators, and a growing sense in the black community the only justice for Mike Brown will be the public lynching of Wilson… damn the evidence Brown wasn’t a “good boy.”

Highway Patrol Capt. Ron Johnson, the black avatar in charge of acting as the agent in charge of the capitulation to black power in Ferguson, even tossed Officer Wilson under the bus when speaking to a black church yesterday. He said this:

Earlier in the day, Johnson said he had met members of Brown’s family and the experience “brought tears to my eyes and shame to my heart.”

“When this is over,” he told the crowd, “I’m going to go in my son’s room. My black son, who wears his pants sagging, who wears his hat cocked to the side, got tattoos on his arms, but that’s my baby.” Johnson added: “We all need to thank the Browns for Michael.

Because Michael’s going to make it better for our sons to be better black men.”

We’ve been trying to make America a better place for “black men” for decades; and no matter how much money we spend, how many quotas we set on jobs in both the private the public sector, and how many handouts (affirmative action) we give, we still require President Obama’s “My Brother’s Keeper” program to try and help blacks – and browns – reach levels of accomplishment your average white boy easily attains on his own.

The tears we at SBPDL shed aren’t for Mike Brown or the black agitators/protestors/rioters/looters/arsonists currently ensuring that 67% black Ferguson drives away all white residents by 2015, but for the memory of Officer Renn who in Indianapolis was gunned down by a black career criminal and was told by the black family he “should have stayed in the car”; for those cops who must patrol Jersey City, knowing Angelique Campbell wishes her late husband had killed more of them; and for Officer Darren Wilson, who was only doing when he stopped Mike Brown in Ferguson as the “Gentle Giant” gallantly gaily down the middle of the road, flouting the rules governing proper behavior in the process.

There’s one act of defiance you can do in Black-Run America (BRA), an implicit move immediately indicating you stand by those protecting civilization: Make a donation to Officer Darren Wilson.

The Department of Justice, the Obama Administration, and every black agitator in the contiguous United States of America will be gunning for Officer Wilson.

Being explicitly on the side of white civilization is tantamount to being a child molester in America; making an anonymous donation to Officer Wilson’s eventual legal fund is a move akin to giving the finger to a people who desire his immediate lynching (damn the evidence of innocence).