Help Stop These Kikes by Supporting the Daily Stormer with a Weekly Subscription!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 8, 2016


As you all are aware, the Daily Stormer is in a constant state of financial crisis, which has kept us in poverty and unable to expand the site.

We are blocked from advertisement. With the site’s traffic, we would be making $50,000 a month on that. But the Jews shut us down at every turn.

What I have always wished to have setup is a system where everyone (or most everyone) is giving a little bit every month as a “voluntary subscription fee.”

Making subscriptions voluntary means that the content all remains free to everyone, but those who feel they are getting something out of it can pay what they think the content is worth.

Patreon, PayPal, Stripe, et al. banned me, making this concept impossible to implement, and thus we’ve just been left struggling.

You're no "Pal" of mine, Jew!

Finally, it appears that such an option.

I have setup an account at Liberapay, which allows for recurring weekly donations.

Here it is:

The donations are calculated in euros, and you have to fund the account to start out with 15 euros. Then you can decide how much you wish to give per week.

When you click that button above, you will first see this:

Selection_999(1821)You will then be asked to create an account:


Before being taken to a screen asking you to confirm your email address:


Click the confirm link in the email, and you will be asked to login, and see an “add money” button:


Click it and be taken to a screen to enter your card information:

Add money - Liberapay

Euro Conversion

The euro is currently worth a little bit more than the dollar, though not much.

Here are some quick conversions:


(Exchange rate is subject to change, of course.)

You enter the amount you wish to give per week, and click through to a screen asking you to enter your card number and fund the account (it will ask for a minimum of 15.54 euros as a base fund – that stays in the account, and whatever you give to me is automatically withdrawn each week).

This is totally safe and secure. It is run by a French free-speech guy, who believes in freedom of thought and speech.

Moving Forward

My hope is that we can build-up a solid base of recurring donations, which will allow the site to be constantly and steadily funded. With these shekels, we can expand and grow. I can hire writers, more mods for the forums, etc., which will give me time to move into other areas, such as getting on with this podcast I want to do and writing some more in-depth articles.

I also have some massive trolling projects I’m trying to put together, which will only be possible when I have a bit of free time.

I will also, of course, continue to contribute to the news, but at the very least some of these reposts can be done by someone else. And we can fix the race war section that everyone has been complaining about. Plus I can get an editor for these typos and grammatical errors people keep complaining about.

grammar nazi

As a Nazi, I have always respected grammar Nazism.

Hopefully, at some point, we’ll also be able to have more sections – special sections for the UK, Australia, etc. There is always more news every day than I am able to write about, and sometimes I miss important things because there just isn’t time and I have to focus on the most important things.

We are YUGE

The impact that this website is having on the mainstream narrative is massive. We’ve done this all in under 3 years.

And I swear, if it were not for the Jews shutting us down at every turn, this site would already be as big as Infowars, Breitbart or even VICE. Our message is more popular than these people’s messages, when the people are able to hear it.

But it isn’t a level playing field.

We’re getting schemed on nonstop by scheming Jews.


So I implore you, now that there is a universal option for supporting the site, please do.

$.50 a week is $2 a month, which I think everyone can afford, and if you’re reading the site daily, it is hardly an unreasonable request. If you think you’re getting more than $2 a month from the site, and you can give me, please do.

Everything helps.

We are on the frontlines here, exposing these Jews, and the more resources we have, the more we are able to do.

Other Options

We have other options for one-time donations, if you prefer to do it that way. They are outlined on the donations page. We have Google Wallet and Bitcoin or you can send cash, check or money order to my office.

Google Wallet:



Mailing address:

Andrew Anglin
6827 N. High Street, Suite 121
Worthington, Ohio

I don’t really ask enough, because I don’t like asking, but with this new recurring option, I will know how much is coming in every week and be able to plan based on that.

For the sake of our children’s future – for our own individual futures – The Daily Stormer needs to be bigger than it is. We need the whole world to know what these diabolical Jews are up to.

And it is up to you all to make that happen.


Hail Victory.