Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 5, 2015

So, ISIS has gone on their official radio station and claimed responsibility for the attempted Charlie in Texas, and it appears by the Tweets from one of the Snackbars involved that this is true.
The ISIS radio announcer referred to Simpson and Soofi as two of their “soldiers” and “brothers.”
Moments before the attack, Simpson posted an ominous tweet with the hashtag #texasattack: “May Allah accept us as mujahideen.”
The tweet also said he and his fellow attacker had pledged allegiance to “Amirul Mu’mineen,” which means “the leader of the faithful.” CNN terrorism analyst Paul Cruickshank said that likely refers to ISIS leader Abu Bakr al Baghdadi.
Earlier, Simpson had asked his readers on Twitter to follow an ISIS propagandist.
After the shooting, the propagandist tweeted: “Allahu Akbar!!!! 2 of our brothers just opened fire.”
This shouldn’t come as any sort of surprise. ISIS is seen as heroic by Moslems all across the world, a sort of Islamic version of GI Joe.
We are clearly going to start seeing this on a regular basis in the near future. Well, hold on a second there – we are really already seeing it on a regular basis, aren’t we? At least every couple weeks, there is some sort of Moslem chimping going down, even as we are continually told we need more of these people in our countries.

Interestingly, one of the gunmen, Elton Simpson, was actually a Negro. He had of course already been investigated by the FBI when he tried to go to Somalia to do a Jihad. But apparently they stopped watching him so they could spend more time helping the ADL fight allegedly unwarranted hatred of Jews.
The really strange thing is Simpson that he was such a good boy, which may lead some to a suspicion that he didn’t do nothing.
He had ‘a good demeanor’
That’s according to the president of the Islamic Community Center of Phoenix, where both Simpson and Soofi worshiped.
Usama Shami said Simpson came regularly until around 2010 or 2011, about the time the FBI arrested him on the false statement charges. Soofi came less frequently
Simpson “was a gentle person,” Shami said. “He always had a good attitude, a good demeanor.”
Like others at the mosque, Shami said he was stunned to hear about the attack Sunday night.
“They didn’t show any signs of radicalization or any signs of even thinking about those things in that manner,” he said. “So when that happens, it just shocks you. How good did you know these people, that’s the question that people ask themselves.”
The other guy was a Paki with a White mother, also born in the US.
The sad fact of the matter is that White countries need these attacks to show them just how sick they are in embracing this invasion. It is only when the weight of this nightmare is felt by the general population that people will be ready to do something about it.