Steve Goode
White Genocide Project
March 12, 2014
After demands from Latino leaders to stop deportation of illegal immigrants, most of which are Latino, the Pew Research Center has conducted a survey which sheds light on the opinions of certain groups of people.

The survey found that half of the White community, 49%, view deportations as a good thing, and 60% of Latinos view it as a bad thing.
Also, the survey found opinions were different among political parties. 55% of Republicans view increased deportations as good, whereas 53% of Democrats view them as bad.
A similar survey found that 55% of Hispanics think being able to live and work in the United States legally without possibly being deported is more important for illegal immigrants, than becoming citizens.
Pew Research Center estimates that of the US’s 11.7 million illegal immigrants, about three-quarters (8.8 million) are Latino (mixed race from South America / Mexico).
This study proves the age-old saying that demographics is destiny.
The whole point of a border is to distinguish between two groups of people. Anti-Whites say that White countries are not allowed borders because anti-Whites don’t want White people.
Deliberately getting rid of a group of people is legally defined as genocide; White genocide does not have to be violent, it is being committed against my people by flooding all and only White countries with millions of non-White immigrants, and then using whatever power and influence anti-Whites have to encourage White people to assimilate, or in other words have mixed race children.
If the policy of Whitening Brazil was being carried out today, anti-Whites would scream “that’s genocide”. Meanwhile, they do the same thing to White people, but they cannot or will not see this obvious hypocrisy.
Diversity is just a codeword for anti-White.