Let’s just be honest: black men have become a problem.
They are a sexist menace. They are destroying our democracy.
It’s time the Democrat Party faced the reality: it’s time for the lynchings to begin.
36 percent of black males compared to 20 percent of all respondents not keen on female president
Black male students were more likely than their white and female peers to say a woman is “not capable” of being president, according to a new survey.
Intelligent.com asked 600 students ages 18 to 24 for their level of agreement with the statement, “A woman is not capable of performing the duties of the president of the U.S.”
“Conservative students were the most likely to agree, with 31% selecting strongly agree or somewhat agree,” the survey group reported. “In comparison, 17% of moderate students and 11% of liberal students agreed with the statement.”
“Male students were more likely than female students to hold this belief, with 23% agreeing compared to 13% of women,” the group also stated. “Additionally, 23% of Black students and 16% of white students agreed with the statement.”
Intelligent.com told The College Fix that nearly 4 in 10 black male students agreed with the statement.
These numbers are harrowing:
- In total, 121 Black and 227 White respondents answered this question
- Black women (n=63): 10% agreed with the statement
- Black men (n=58): 36% agreed with the statement
- White women (n=112): 19% agreed with the statement
- White men (n= 115): 15% agreed with the statement
Obama was right.
But he was only capable of being right because he’s half white.
True niggers are all sexist pigs, holding back the true birth of the Neo-Matriarchy.
We need to get the rope and put an end to this brewing threat to our values.
Sexism is not who we are.
We’re not a bunch of niggers.