Suspected Wakandan Spy Breaks Into Federal Agent’s Home, Gets Shot Dead

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 24, 2018

I for one am tired of Wakanda – the most technologically advanced country on the planet earth – sending their agents to our country to meddle in our business.

Local 10:

A U.S. Customs and Border Protection agent shot and killed a man who broke into her Pinecrest home early Monday, police said.

Sgt. Carlos Rosario, a spokesman for the Miami-Dade Police Department, said the woman woke up around 1 a.m. to the sound of a sliding-glass door breaking and found Robert Young, 29, entering the home in the 9300 block of Southwest 72nd Avenue.

Rosario said the federal agent got her gun and fired several shots, killing Young.

CBP officials confirmed that the woman used her government-issued .40-caliber Smith & Wesson gun in the shooting.

I have no doubt that Wakanda is going to take some form of revenge on the US for this agent daring to fight back when his home was being infiltrated.

Word is that the Wakandans are sending these spies into the homes of federal agents to implant them with microchips which use nanotechnology to control the brain of the victim as if he is a puppet.

I don’t know why Wakanda even cares to do this – they are already unimaginably wealthy and involved in space travel and communication with aliens. Wakandans trying to manipulate American society is like Americans trying to manipulate the society of bacteria.