SWAT Team Sent to Point Guns at Hog-Moms Protesting Tranny Story Hour!

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
June 24, 2019

We might have already passed the “state-enforced homosexuality” mark.

It’s not really clear if heterosexuality is still legal.

Daily Caller:

A SWAT team of two snipers was stationed on the roof of a public library in Spokane, Washington June 15. Their mission, along with 30-40 police officers, was to defend Drag Queen Story Hour from 300 concerned mothers and allies protesting the event.

The snipers, decked out in camouflage, were photographed on the roof of the library monitoring the protesting mothers with binoculars.

Now, what would have happened if these policemen stood down and just let normal people take care of these sick tranny story hours on their own?

I’ll tell you what: this state-sponsored pedo shit would have ended yesterday.

The parents would have eventually stormed in and confronted these freaks. Wigs would have been pulled off and videos would have gone viral on the internet showing other Americans that they do not have to tolerate their kids being pimped out and that resistance is possible.

Naturally, the US government can’t allow normal Amerikaners to organize on their own, though.

They have to deploy SWAT teams to defend the freaks and groomers and predators that the state is working so hard to normalize and deploy against the White population to instill terror and fear and compliance.

“Was anyone else disturbed that the library had 30+ police officers and 2 snipers with rifles on the roof pointed at us to protect men in dresses from women defending their dignity and praying?” 500 Mom Strong, the organization protesting Drag Queen Story Hour, said on their Facebook page following the event.

The mask is starting to crack and the gloves are coming off.

Normies are starting to see the true face of the occupation government and it is a leering drag queen.

I guess I’m going live twice today…

Gepostet von Andrea Tate am Donnerstag, 6. Juni 2019

These Moms were treated as badly as White Nationalists were at Charlottesville – worse, maybe. Luckily, the police helicopter crashed at Cville and the cops didn’t get a chance to aim sniper rifles at the demonstrators, so we never had to deal with the sniper threat.

I don’t want people thinking that I’m taking the side of these moms though.

No, these knuckle-dragging harpy savages decided to make this all about their hatred for men and I don’t have any sympathy for that behavior whatsoever.

The winning message here is: “These are pedo demons that should be behind bars, not chilling with children.”

These hambeasts decided to go with: “Men suck. This is misogyny. Drag queens think they’re better than women.”

TERF women are feminists who hate trannies and who should be beaten for daring to give a man lip, even if he wears a dress. 

When you think about it, drag queens are only marginally more disgusting than your average American feminist house-hog in her 40s. They also have comparable success rates when it comes to raising normal/not fucked up kids.

So like, gay drag pedo trannies will diddle the kids – this is known and not disputed. But let’s not put on rose-tinted glasses when we’re looking at the other side that showed up to protest.

Suburban White liberal braphogs:


  • Do everything in their power to turn sons into gay twinks, short of diddling them
  • Bring abusive druggies into the home if/when they become divorced
  • Love niggers/will let their own kids get beaten up by them and call them racist for complaining about it
  • Are disgusting slobs
  • Are as much of an eyesore as trannies
  • Hate normal, healthy men
  • Have fat accumulation in the brain, which leads to stupidity
  • Spend their days buying Jew junk and piling on debt
  • Are very, very fat
  • No one likes them


  • They don’t directly diddle kids

Here’s the founder – Anna Bohach.

And here’s why she’s all up in arms:

“500 Mom Strong is a group of women who have had enough with the sexualization of our children and the mockery of our femininity,” she wrote.

“The Spokane Public Library South Hill has decided to host a ‘Drag Queen Story Hour’ on June 15th, at 2pm. This is misogyny; drag queens are very offensive to women. They are grotesque hypersexualized caricatures of women. They mock women and debase our womanhood and femininity. A drag queen is no different than a racist donning black face,” she continued.

“The library hosting such an event teaches our sons that women are just sexual objects and it teaches our daughters that they must be overly sexualized to be desired. Enough is enough. We say NO more to a political agenda aimed at degrading women and sexualizing children. We say no to gender appropriation!”  

Really inspiring stuff, Anna “Fat Heifer” Bohach.

I have no idea why these awful men think that you’re worth making fun of. There’s nothing funny about the absolute state you and your fellow hog-people are in, and I for one am not laughing.