Swede Cops Arrest Alleged Moslem Driver of Attack Truck

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 8, 2017

Look at that bitches earrings. She should have died in the attack.

I still think this could have been a MAXIMUM OVERDRIVE type situation, and we should not jump to conclusions about the Allahpeople.


A suspect in Friday’s truck attack in Stockholm has been arrested, according to a Swedish prosecutor.

Police in Sweden say the man they have arrested is “likely” the driver of a truck which drove into pedestrians on a major shopping and tourist street in Stockholm, causing multiple injuries and fatalities.

The vehicle, a stolen beer delivery truck, plowed through the pedestrian street and crashed into an upscale department store. Four people died and 15 were injured, according to police.

“It is likely him,” police spokesman Lars Bystrom told The Associated Press Saturday morning.

Prosecutor Hans Ihrman said authorities identified the man as a suspect “of terrorist offenses by murder,” the AP reports. Ihrman said the man should have a pre-trial hearing on whether he will remain in custody before the middle of the day Tuesday or be released.

Ihrman and Bystrom told the wire service that police have only arrested one person in their investigation of the attack.