Swedecuck Cops Call for Civilians to Come Help Them Solve the Crimes of Islamic Gangs

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 28, 2017

What a bunch of little faggots.

Man-up, Sweden – if you’re going to invite hundreds of thousands of violent criminals to come and live in your country on welfare, you’re going to need to stop acting like such unbelievable cowards!

Time to start kicking in some doors!


Police in the Swedish city of Malmö made an urgent plea for locals to assist them in solving scores of serious crimes, including dozens of attempted killings, murders, beatings, rapes and other offenses as police struggle to grapple with a spike in violence.

In an open letter, Malmö police chief Stefan Sinteus on Friday encouraged citizens to provide testimonies in a hope that they might help police to find perpetrators in an array of otherwise stalled investigations.

“I can assure you that the police in Malmö are doing everything we can for suspected perpetrators to be held accountable. But we cannot do it on our own. We depend on you, and your witness statements, to solve these violent crimes. Therefore I appeal now to you: Help us,” Sinteus wrote.

The letter followed reports that potential witnesses in the murder of a 16-year-old Iraqi boy, Ahmed Obaid, murdered in the city’s Rosengard district on January 14, were reluctant to provide any accounts after racist threats directed at his former schoolmates were posted under the photo of his dead body.

“They are scared. They are terrified and are wondering who’s going to be shot next,” the school’s headmaster told Swedish Sydsvenskan newspaper, as cited by the Local.

“People lie and tell untruths to [mis]direct us. It is a problem for us”, former investigator JB Cederholm told Sydsvenskan.

Rosengard, which has received media attention as the “most notorious refugee ghetto” of Sweden, has an over 80 percent migrant population, predominantly of Middle Eastern, African and Eastern European origin. It has repeatedly been a scene of gang and multi-ethnic violence and is prone to social unrest, with less than 40 percent of its residents having a job.

It’s so shocking because no one could have predicted it.