Swedecucks Free “Afghan Child” Proven Through DNA to Have Gang-Raped Handicapped Woman

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 5, 2017

The thing is, you know, after the Crusades, we really can’t hold these people accountable for their behavior.

It would be unethical.

So, I mean, if some innocent little Afghan child who fled the brutal civil war in Syria rapes some handicapped woman – well, that’s just tough grits for the handicapped woman.

I guess she should have thought of that before she did the Crusades, huh?

Fria Tider:

Lund District Court has acquitted an 18-year refugee from Afghanistan from accusations of having participated in a gang rape against a mentally retarded woman in Skåne. The Court disagreed and two lay judges, one SD and one from V, wanted to judge refugee child to prison.

A Sverigedemokrat and the Left as a joint dissenting protest against a verdict. Something unusual happened in Lund District Court late last month when a young man accused of rape were acquitted by a divided Court.

The background to the indictment is a series of alleged abuse in July last year. The daughter of a 32-year-old woman in Horby has since come to know and become along with one of the so-called refugee who came to Sweden from Afghanistan during the asylum chaos.

This in turn leads to the girl’s mother and the mother’s friend, a 24-year-old woman suffering from a learning disability, come in contact with the Afghans. The mother offers on many occasions home, “the boys” at a party and they stated as being “clingy” and “tafsade” on both the girl’s 32-year-old mother, 24-year-old her friend.

At the last festival, the night between 27 and 28 July, a larger group of refugee children to the apartment to party. After a while, they must have been eight or nine refugee children at the party. According to the women they embark on the 24-year-old woman, dragging her into one of the bedrooms, and while three of them stand outside and keep watch fit four others to rape his victim. One of the perpetrators is the boyfriend of 32-year-old daughter. The assault stopped only when the 32-year-old woman discovers that her friend is raped.

“Get out of here damn pigs!” she screams and chases out refugee children from the apartment.

And that my friends is hate speech.

I wonder why she isn’t being prosecuted, hm?

I’ll tell you why: Sweden is a racist, Nazi and white supremacist state.

Police technicians manage to secure DNA traces in the form of semen from the 18-year-old, and still another unknown man on the sheets of the bed where the 24-year-old was raped. But as the 24-year-old says she was raped by refugee children on more occasions, and the abuses are not covered by the indictment, the court believes that the sperm may have ended up on the sheets at one of the sessions.

Moreover, the Court notes that the 32-year-old and 24-year-old’s statements differ somewhat, both were under the influence of alcohol at the time and that both in varying degrees suffer from developmental disabilities.

Overall, argues the district court that it “considered so unclear what then occurred in the bedroom” that has emerged in the indictment “does not in any part can be the basis for a conviction.” Thus freed, the 18-year-old Afghan from the charge of aggravated rape and released on the loose.

Two jurors, Tina Soderberg (SD) and Inger Ridbäck (V), protesting against the verdict, however, in a dissenting opinion.

“We believe that the plaintiff’s story is altogether credible,” they write, adding a little later: “The deed must be on the prosecutor reasons as aggravated rape. Seriousness of the crime amounts to four years in prison and there are extraordinary reasons for choosing imprisonment as a penalty.”

Considering Afghans young age think, however, the two men mentioned that he only be sentenced to one and a half years in prison.

There is no reason to believe she was telling the truth.

As all feminists know, women lie about rape all the time.

And DNA on the sheets?

Well, maybe he just masturbated in her bed at a different time?

Maybe she planted it there?

Who knows.

What we do know is that Moslems cannot commit crimes.