Sweden: A 15-Year-Old Refugee Chills with His Classmates

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 25, 2016


Wow, Sweden.

Just wow.

What kind of people puts their young girls in this type of situation?

How is this sort of abuse justifiable on any level whatsoever?

And they do it because they believe it is righteous and moral. That’s the insane part. If they did it for diabolical reasons, like that they wanted to punish their young girls because they are evil and like doing evil things, that would at least make sense.

But they do this to their own women while claiming to be paragons of morality.

It’s Bizarro World.

Where Batman is the world’s worst detective and putting your teenage daughters up as rape bait for an invading army that is openly announcing it is conquering you is just and moral.

I can’t even.