Sweden: “Adult Male” Rapes 10-Year-Old Girl in Malmö

For some reason, the Swedish police refuse to reveal a description of the rapist.

What’s the point?

Everyone knows it was a goddamn Finn.

Voice of Europe:

On Thursday afternoon, a 10-year-old girl was raped in Malmö. The police have a depiction of the suspect, but won’t reveal any details, Sydsvenskan writes.

At 5.30 pm on Thursday a rape took place in a courtyard in Malmö. According to the police, an adult approached a 10-year-old girl.

Thursday evening, the police chose to block off a rubbish disposal room and a bicycle storage room in the residential area to secure technical evidence. The police also used dogs to search the area.

On Friday, the police performed a door to door search and also checked surveillance cameras that may have captured the perpetrator.

The girl was interrogated on Friday. What has emerged, the police don’t want to say.

The police have a depiction of the suspect but won’t release any details.

We want unaffected testimonials and therefore won’t go into details, says Mats Attin.

Initially, the police didn’t want to reveal the suspected crime classification, but district prosecutor Charlotte Ottosen announced later on Friday that it was rape of a child.