Sweden: African Gentleman Rapes Swedish Girl After Party

She asked the African to drive her home from a party, led him into her bedroom… then complained when he raped her.

She got the aggressive monkey sex she craved, yet still whines about it.


Voice of Europe:

A 37-year-old African who came to Sweden from Burundi as a “political refugee” in 2014 has been convicted of raping a girl in her home.

Afterwards the girl was vaccinated and prescribed hepatitis medication and tested for HIV. The incident happened on 8 July 2018 in Visby on the island of Gotland east of the Swedish mainland.

Statements from witnesses support what the girl told police, writes Hela Gotland. Forensic evidence was obtained as the African’s sperm was found on the girl’s underwear and bed sheets.

The girl told police that she was at a party of a relative and asked the African to drive her home. When in her room the African locked the door from the inside.

After the rape, the girl has had panic attacks, feels disgust and cries often. She was tested for HIV, but has also taken vaccines and medicine for hepatitis.

The African is a citizen of Burundi, needs an interpreter in French and came to Sweden in 2014 as a “political refugee”. He was granted permanent residence in May 2016.

On 14 September 2018 the Gotland District Court sentenced him to two year and six months prison for rape and €11,000 in damages to the girl. The prosecutor never asked for expulsion.

On 8 October 2018 the Supreme Court received an application to appeal and raise the sentence to three years in prison.