Sweden: African Who Raped Swedish Woman Avoids Expulsion

Only the most hardcore criminals get expelled from the tolerant nation of Swedistan.

You know, like white orphans.

Voice of Europe:

A 27-year-old African has been convicted of rape – but avoids expulsion because he claims to risk imprisonment for escaping military service in his native country Eritrea.

He was granted asylum in Sweden in 2014 and received an internship at a cafe earlier this year. It did not take long before he began to sexually harass a female employee.

In August this year, the woman went to fetch something from the pantry when she “saw something dark behind her.” It was the African who grabbed and held her firmly.

After the rape, the woman has suffered from severe bleedings and pain. She has been forced to take painkillers and sleeping pills. She has also been on full-time sick leave, in contact with a psychiatrist, and abroad “to get away”.

The 27-year-old was sentenced to three years imprisonment for rape and sexual assault. Which means two years in prison since Sweden applies so-called two-third detention. He will also pay €15,000 in damages to the woman.

In February 2015, the Swedish Migration Agency granted the rapist refugee status on the grounds that he “risks persecution” by the authorities in Eritrea.

The District Court decided due to this, that he should remain in Sweden after serving the punishment.