Sweden Aims to be World Leader in Anti-Anti-Semitism

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 19, 2016

Jewish wolf

The issue that I have with all of this talk about people hating Jews is that no one ever explains why so many people hate the Jews.

It seems to me that if you have a problem you are trying to solve, you need to consider what is causing the problem.

You can choose your analogy, but there is not another problem in the world that I am aware of which people try to solve without attempting to understand why it is happening.

Jerusalem Post:

Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven “really wants to take a lead in combating anti-Semitism worldwide,” Ambassador Carl Magnus Nesser says.

The Nordic country is taking charge in tackling its own recent issues with Jew-hatred, and is looking to lead a global stance against it, Nesser said last week.

Nesser and Stockholm’s new special envoy on the issue, Joachim Bergström, met last week with politicians and academics up North, in Tel Aviv and in Jerusalem, in an effort to better understand how to cope with anti-Semitism.

The ambassador said Löfven’s stance comes after a rise in reported anti-Semitic incidents in Sweden, noting the country experienced a 38 percent increase from 2013 to 2014. Around 20,000 Jews live in the country, and 4 percent of hate crimes reported involved anti-Semitism, according to government statistics.

In a meeting with The Jerusalem Post on Thursday, Nesser and Bergström elaborated on how the country plans to tackle some recent instances of anti-Jewish acts there.

“We see anti-Semitism as a problem, a global problem,” Bergström said. “We recognize the problem in Europe, but we also recognize the increasing threat of anti-Semitism online.”

Both Nesser and Bergström noted that the Israeli leaders they met last week emphasized the severity of the rise in Internet- based hate crime.

“There are different kinds of anti-Semitism, one being you were stoned in the streets, but another is this kind of blog forum, online types that a lot of us don’t see every day,” Bergström said. “I don’t have Twitter friends who say those kinds of things and I don’t enter those blog forums or sites. Maybe in a political way, it is under discussed.”

Modern Sweden’s official motto: “If you are something other than Swedish, we will sacrifice ourselves to further your interests.”