Sweden Attack Truck Driver was a Failed Asylum Seeker

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 10, 2017

The sonovbitch killed a dog. I mean, even if you don’t care about people, you must at least care about dogs. This is multiculturalism.

If you were an Uzbeki escapee from the brutal civil war in Syria and someone denied your asylum application but then let you remain indefinitely in the country while living on welfare anyway, you would also ram a truck into a crowd of people.


The main suspect in the deadly Stockholm truck rampage is a rejected asylum-seeker and an Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) sympathizer, according to investigators. A second suspect in the case has also been arrested.

As the investigation of the terrorist attack unfolds, Swedish police revealed new details to the press on Sunday.

The main suspect in the truck rampage, identified as a 39-year-old man from Uzbekistan, turned out to be a rejected asylum-seeker who “applied for a permanent residency permit in 2014,” Police Chief Jonas Hysing told reporters.

“The Migration Agency rejected it in June 2016 and also decided that he was to be expelled,” Hysing added.

“In December 2016, he was informed by the Migration Agency that he had four weeks to leave the country.”

The suspect ignored the notification and his case was transferred to the police to execute the deportation order, but the man “went underground.”

Apart from that, the suspect expressed radical ideas and “showed sympathies for extremist organizations, among them Islamic State,” Hysing added.

The police made around 500 interviews and gathered a large amount of evidence and numerous eyewitness reports, according to police official Jan Evensson.

All four victims of the attack have been identified.

Notice they don’t even list the dog.


There were FIVE victims.