Sweden Bans Protests Against “Migrants” After IKEA Stabbing

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 19, 2015

IKEA: Look how strong that coffee table is. And it is simple to assemble yourself, I promise.
IKEA: Look how strong that coffee table is. It might be made of glue and wood-chippings, but a big strong Negress can jump up and down on it (that is a part of their unique cultural heritage). And it is simple to assemble yourself, I promise. The instructions are so not complicated that even a silly goyim can follow them.

Ah, stupid, racist, Swedish goyim. Can’t help but feel bad for the stupid, silly goyim, because it is just so hard for them to understand simple things.

They think the victims of the IKEA stabbing were the people who got stabbed! The real victims, of course, are the people who did it.

Gonna have to send the police in to make sure they understand this.


Swedish police are scrambling to defend the national immigrant population against angry natives as tensions boil over following a double murder in an IKEA superstore this week.

Although the force has proven unable to solve the rising tide of immigrant violence in multicultural melting pot city Malmö, it has jumped to declare protests against the killing illegal and shut them down. Expressing concern that the inhabitants of asylum centres “get worried when these things happen”, a police spokesman explained how they had cleared a protest.

Meeting outside the same asylum refuge where the two suspected murderers lived prior to the IKEA attack, a small group of men held banners and threw eggs. The informal protest took place as one of the men arrested at the scene of the double murder was released from prison, and his lawyer demanded compensation from the state, as his client had found the process of being arrested traumatic.

Can you imagine the feelings he must have felt?

Can you even begin to imagine?

No, goyim, I don’t suppose you can. Because you are too filled with hate to even grasp the concept that a person with a different color of skin might have feelings and emotions.

He claims he has no idea why his friend would act in such a manner, and the attack took him by surprise.

He and his friend were just there to pick out a plastic desk, which their high intelligence would make it easy for them to follow the instructions and assemble. Then all the sudden his friend got all stabby. It could just has easily have been a blonde-haired Swede that decided to randomly start with the stabbing – how dare the police question him?

Even though IKEA is a racist company for disrespecting the culture of migrants by selling knives, at least they have tried in the past to help breed out the blonde race.