Sweden: Black Savage Convicted of Anally Raping White Woman to Death Appeals Deportation

Bare Naked Islam
May 3, 2014

Abdi Hakim Ali was found guilty of raping a homeless man and sodomising a White woman to death.

The 35-year-old immigrant from Somalia who in February was sentenced to (only) five years in prison and deportation for the anal rape of a woman who died as well as the rape of a sleeping homeless man, has appealed the ruling to the Supreme Court.

European Daily News (h/t Don Laird)  It was last year that 35-year-old Abdi Hakim Ali from Somalia was found guilty of two rapes in Stockholm. One rape was committed against a sleeping man in a shelter for the homeless; the other against a dying woman in a parking garage in the Sheraton Hotel in Vasagatan. The woman died during the rape.

Now, Hakim Ali appealed the Court ruling to the Supreme Court. In the appeal, he requests the Supreme Court to modify the expulsion order and let him stay in Sweden, but claims to not want to be absolved from any of the offenses he was convicted of.


After it was first thought that the criminal immigrant who committed very serious abuses would remain in Sweden, Prosecutor Daniel Jonsson  produced a penalty claim whereby both the Stockholm District Court and the Svea Court of Appeal concluded that there were serious enough reasons to expel Hakim Ali.

The Supreme Court will only hear the case if it considers that there is precedent value. The decision on whether to appeal will be rendered within six months, according to the Supreme Court.

The same Somali is seen in the video below, trying to rob a sleeping man at McDonald’s, but is stopped by the intervention of a 67-year-old woman, who forces him out of the restaurant.

<iframe width=”640″ height=”360″ src=”//www.youtube.com/embed/DMohtDZJH5w” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe>

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