Sweden Democrats Expel MP for Trying to Cut Funding to Jew-Run Media Entity

Eric Striker
Daily Stormer
December 6, 2016


Man on right, Kent Ekeroth, is a Jew and one of Sweden Democrat’s most influential members

The conservative weasel party, ‘Sweden Democrats,’ is apparently going to be very competitive in the upcoming Swedish election, but they’re bound to lose just like the Austrian Freedom Party (FPO) did.

SD is considered an “extreme” party by Swedish media, but that says more about who controls Sweden’s political system than it does about the organization. The Sweden Democrats do not appear to want to deport the countless number of Negro and Arab newcomers taken in under the country’s whimsical and genocidal immigration system. Instead, they focus all of their efforts on attacking the religion some of them casually practice (Islam), and so seek to “assimilate” them by making them partake in LGBTP pride rallies and putting pork in their food.

The latest in their pathetic groveling campaign comes with the party’s dismissal of their MP Anna Hagwall, who proposed legislation in the parliament to cut public subsidies to the Jewish Bonnier family’s media conglomerate. The leadership dubbed this to be “anti-Semitic,” and banished her. The Sweden Democrats’ second in command is a Jew named Kent Ekeroth who has in the past publicly stated he doesn’t even consider himself Swedish, so this likely has something to do with it.

Israel National News:

Sweden’s far-right party Sweden Democrats announced on Monday it had kicked out one of its members of parliament for anti-Semitism.

Anna Hagwall had in September proposed legislation to end state subsidies for media outlets that she said favor the Bonnier media group, whose controlling family has Jewish roots.

“For many years the Sweden Democrats have been working resolutely to end the currents of anti-Semitism and conspiracy theories in society,” the party’s chairman Jimmie Akesson said in a statement quoted by AFP.

“Through her statements, Anna Hagwall prejudiced this work and the party’s image. Anna wants legislation in which people are divided by ethnic appearances. We don’t support that,” added Akesson.

The Sweden Democrats (SD) have been trying to distance themselves from some of their most radical elements in order broaden their electoral base.

Hagwell had sent an email to the Aftonblat newspaper in September trying to justify her position.

“It should not be allowed for any family, ethnic group or enterprise to control directly or indirectly more than five percent of media,” she said.


What the hell is wrong with these faggots?

Talk to any Swede, and they will all identify the media as being the number one culprit behind Sweden’s problems. And while it should be taken for granted that media that orchestrates anti-social political conspiracies instead of reporting the news is probably run by Jews, Hagwell was careful in her proposal and it was framed as an anti-trust bill (with good reason).

If you’re in Sweden and the Nordic Resistance Movement can’t field candidates yet, then I guess you should vote for SD. Just keep your expectations extra low with these wishy-washy conservative controlled opposition types. Sweden Democrats is a textbook example of what happens when a patriotic party prioritizes powerful minoritarian lobbies over  the desires of the people.