Sweden: Haji Cuts Student’s Throat, Stabs Him 13 Times

SURPRISE TWIST: The Swedish student was actually a drug dealer!

Was this Moslem momentarily possessed by the spirit of St. Rodrigo?

Voice of Europe:

Last week the Umeå District Court sentenced Sudanese/Egyptian Suleman Suleman to 17 years in prison for a brutal murder on 27 April this year.

A student was murdered with thirteen stab wounds and also had his throat cut. The man bled to death in his apartment. “I would have done it again”, the killer bragged to his friends.

Suleman is described as a violent career criminal. In several cases, however, he has not received any prison sentences – courts have judged that “an ambitious treatment” is needed instead of imprisonment.

The day of the murder 30-year-old Suleman and a friend went to 28-year-old student Albin’s apartment to buy drugs from him.

In the judgment, Albin is described as follows: “As for Albin’s person, he pursued his studies in a very good way, and he was a very caring, appreciated and generally popular person. Shortly after he died he would have finished his master’s degree.”

Albin had a drug addiction and sometimes also sold drugs within a small circle of friends.

Police who arrived at the site found a dead Albin with terrible injuries and a room reminiscent of a bloodbath.